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Forums/ Access Points
2015-01-25 16:10:44
Re:Connection problem on Access Point
Yes, it is because the AP is at a place where the signal is too weak so that the AP itself cannot keep a stable connection. The location is the key. This kind of repeater products work well for...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2015-01-24 14:28:59
Re:MR3420 + 3272 huawei not connecting
http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/3g-comp-list/?model=TL-MR3420&location=1963 It can be a compatibility problem. Try upgrade the latest firmware...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2015-01-24 14:23:14
Re:Ping Default Gateway Failed
It does't matter at all, don't worry. Ping test and dns test is additional tests. The gateway can ignore those requires. But it doesn't necessarily mean the Internet is failed.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2015-01-24 12:03:49
Re:WDS modes. What is this?
If you look around the access point forum and range extender forum here, you will find the answer. - wds1 mode, corresponding to universal repeater mode on range extender products, it use...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2015-01-24 11:28:59
Re:Release of Home Network Management Mobile App Tether 2.0
SYN1ST3R wrote I hope the next iOS Tether update includes the "Media Sharing" feature. Version 1.0 had this option but version 2.0 does not :( It seems difficult to implement that feature in Tether...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2015-01-24 11:00:24
Re:Release of Home Network Management Mobile App Tether 2.0
VulkanBros wrote Hi, Any news on the Tether App for Android (for my C7)?? regards Vulkan Sure, :). The latest firmware with tether support of C9/C8/C7/C5/C2/WDR4300/WDR3600/WDR3500 are now available...