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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
RE:Monitor equipment temperature
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
RE:Let's Encrypt certificate
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
RE:E-mail notification when is connected VPN Wireguard
Must hawe :-)
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
E-mail notification when is connected VPN Wireguard
Hello all, Is it possible to add a new function, informing about the connection or disconnection of a VPN client (WireGuard) = so that when the client connects or disconnects, an email message is...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:DPI on ER605 v2 - if on = the internet is running very slowly
@Clive_A Hi, I'm sorry. My mistake. I had the rules set up incorrectly. Here I had blocked services like FB, YT and the like, which I thought that if they were on the list, they were analyzed for...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:DPI on ER605 v2 - if on = the internet is running very slowly
Yes latency to internet is 15ms. For example, here at work we have 8ms on fiber optic to the internet at google.com I will give the total connectivity at home 350 mbit / 100. But I wrote that the...