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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-22 16:45:15
Re:BE800 ==> BE550 Roaming not working properly
@jtbg yes both devices are updated. my s24u used get frequent disconnects, thats fixed with 1.1.6. was never able to observe the roaming issue fully because couldn't tell until now wether it was from...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-22 16:33:54
Re:BE800 ==> BE550 Roaming not working properly
@gur111 i have the same issue with BE800=> BE800 roaming, with an s24 ultra. it stays connected to the first access point with almost no bars, and speed dropping to 10-20 mbits even when i go and...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-22 16:28:10
Re:BE800 SFP 2.5G Mode
@benoitm974 how did you run this script? also do they let you downgrade? 1.1.6 still has issues, but it solved a lot of my wifi 7 issues, little wary about downgrading
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-21 21:17:35
Re:BE800 SFP 2.5G Mode
@Kevin_Z I have the same issue, I two sfp modules from different brands, both work fine on media converters, but show it's connected at 1gbps on BE800 1.1.6. there are a few times when the stick is...