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Forums/ WiFi
2024-06-03 07:17:52
Re:WPA3 + Fast Roaming = No Roaming ?
Hi @Fae my issue has a workaround (uncheck 802.11r) rssi don't work cuz on client side logs I see a association failure when this checkbox is checked my customers don't complain since I unchecked...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-31 06:21:05
Re:WPA3 + Fast Roaming = No Roaming ?
Hello @Hank21 my eap610 are v1 and firmware 1.1.5 my eap650 are v1 with firmware 1.0.13
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-30 07:25:50
Re:WPA3 + Fast Roaming = No Roaming ?
Hello @Hank21 are you sure of this ? my iPhone is connected on 2.4Ghz in WPA3 I checked with my thinkpad and it is the same uncheck the 802.11r has solved my issue but increased association time...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-29 18:08:24
Re:WPA3 + Fast Roaming = No Roaming ?
Hello back, I tested a lot of configurations this afternoon, only one has failure with roaming (between ap or same ap) : Uncheck 802.11r solves my issue at home but it is not the solution. I...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-28 13:38:11
WPA3 + Fast Roaming + 802.11r = No Roaming ?
Hello, I try to setup my new Omada Network (1 eap650 on one building and 2 eap610 on another building), and i noticed with https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/ i don't have...