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Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-05-12 05:39:18
Re:Logical switch in automations
No, what I am referring to is a preset number of "Global program variables" which can be used in the Automation flow. I.e. SW1, SW2, etc. These can be set in an automation... "Set SW1 to 1". These...
Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-05-11 00:10:47
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
Subscribing to this post... sorry for adding to the string of useless posts but this this the only way... and we were asked to subscribe. Now while I'm here... guys please an update on smart action...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-05-10 11:52:40
Voice notifications through hub H100/H200
Instead of just alarms and ringtone, could we have a message read out on these controllers through automation. I.e. "Alarm activated, please turn heating off".
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-05-10 11:30:33
Logical switch in automations
To assist automation control, can we add ability to set a logical switch on/off (or to a simple value) which can then be referenced by other automations. Simple use case is a smart action activates...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-05-10 11:12:31
RE:Automation with energy consumption
An example of use of this feature: I want to turn my old gas heating off after my tapo house alarm automation is activated (i.e. leaving house) but only want to shut heating off while not actively...
Stories/ Kasa Cameras
2024-01-30 08:46:38
Re:Meet Brand-New Tapo 3.0 App
Hi Lumadd, just follow the instructions from xmtr34 above. Perform the google search exactly as specified and then you will see the 3rd result in the list from APKMirror. Select this one and then...