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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-01-12 18:06:37
Re:Add local DNS server to ER605
@tokenize just sell your Omada stuff and quit whining. It's a 70$ router, I'd hardly call that "enterprise". You want enterprise gear, go buy Cisco and get your CCNA cert. Omada is advertised for...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-01-05 23:55:03
RE:Add local DNS server to ER605
This would be amazing!
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-12-09 13:48:31
Add new Apple TV mdns service string to default list for Airplay
Apple changed their service string to _companion-link._tcp.local for Apple TV. I was not able to Airplay or use Apple TV remote on my iPhone until I added this string as a custom bonjour service. It...