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Forums/ Routers
2013-01-22 21:35:44
Re:VPN settings for multiple clients
I see on the VPN set up page, you can add more than one rule, and each rule can have a different account, maybe you can try to set up different rules in order to get different accounts?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-01-22 21:32:07
Re:VPN on TL-WR1043ND without DD-WRT??
I know the router supports VPN Passthrough, but it seems there is no option to set up a VPN.
Forums/ Access Points
2013-01-22 19:57:57
Re:TP-WA901ND can't connect to Router NeatGear MBR1310 as a Access point
If the computer can get an IP address from the main router when it is connected to the access point wireless, you should have internet access. Maybe you can try to ping the IP address of the access...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-01-22 19:45:33
Re:WR841N firmware
That is V7. here is the link to the firmware: :)
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-01-21 21:37:42
Re:Bitswap SRA Enable
I think you can check both if you are not sure which is one to use:)
Forums/ Access Points
2013-01-21 21:36:20
Re:TP-WA901ND can't connect to Router NeatGear MBR1310 as a Access point
Do you have any IP address on the computer?