Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-08-14 20:00:44
sunshineh wrote Could it be that a roof is to near or how can I adjust it correctly? The requirement for a wireless connection is that there must be at all times line of sight or LoS, it means that...
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-08-09 20:56:54
netengineering wrote i can't ping nor access through web interface. I power off/on PoE injector and also hard reset the antenna pressing the lower button near the LAN port, but without results...
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-08-09 20:47:21
Ferrarigogo wrote Hi,I have the same issue and solved it by opening Test-Mode via SSH . Your CPE210 is an EU version with the maximum transmit power limited as 11dBm according to regulatory region...
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-08-08 19:38:03
Ferrarigogo wrote Someone told me the bigger the better. So just choose the maximum value. Jajajajajajajaj ..... with due pardon for the sarcasm .... but before recommending something, I should first...
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-07-31 02:13:01
Matt, before you buy, I think you should determine what killed your CPE210 ... because a third unit could go through it ... If it were humidity, you could solve it by placing the CPE in a waterproof...
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2017-07-30 05:55:56
Of everything that you have answered, there is only something that is not clear to me and it is with respect to the system of electrical protection ... and I ask again ... -have in the middle of the...