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Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-15 19:04:39
Re:OC200 Firmware 5.3.1
@Sc0th from Fae ( from another thread on this forum) They found a major bug in 5.3.1 for OC200/300 They need to fix this first. The bug didn't exist on the software 5.3.1
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-10 16:03:44
Re:ER605 v2 3G/4G USB Dongle Internet Access via Mobile Network howto in Omada
@dnstgr which version of omada are you running. ? according to the release notes of 5.1.7 it should be there , I would check under the ER605 device ? I have a V1 I clicked around and I couldn't see a...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-03 06:53:25
FW 5.0.5 update on AP fubars POE schedule on Switch ?
Hello, I just noticed that since the update of my EAP 245's FW update to 5.0.5 ( 7 days ago) for whatever reason the POE schedule I had on my switch TL-SG2210MP doesn't trigger anymore I'm running an...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-26 18:38:23
Re:OC_200 often offline
@Potito I have a near identical setup and for me the stability of the whole solution is very good. I'm using POE to power the OC200 except for a power outage the devices basically remain up with no...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-24 06:10:18
Re:OC200 - Easy way to disable WLAN and versioning.
@jeffshead hmmm and what does this setting then do ? edit Wireless network > Wlan schedule ? I made a schedule to enable the radio / disable the radio for my guest Wifi in the time frame when we are...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-22 09:59:38
Re:Connecting to AND - UNACCEPTABLE
@Fae is it already know if the full omada devices will get a FW update to be able to disable this phone home ? or will there be a time table, now these , now these etc..... Its just to be able to...