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Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-30 02:33:11
Re:Site to Site to Site
@Virgo yes im trying to build this using auto mode. i just thought that the auto mode can do everything.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-27 04:17:12
Re:Routing Table Metrics or Load Balancing
@Fae i hope i can edit the routing table. Update** I tried to check my public ip using ipchicken website and did a tracert, it is using my backup WAN. Am i missing something here?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-26 01:07:51
Routing Table Metrics or Load Balancing
Hi, ive been tinkering and wondering if Omada SDN can edit the metrics on routing table so we can choose what to use. I am having a trouble in load balancing, even if i set my primary WAN, it keeps...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-26 00:52:15
Site to Site to Site
Hi, i am having a problem regarding a multiple site to site connection. I initially created a site-to-site from A to C and it goes smoothly, and i want to include site B. but i am getting an error...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-05-23 03:54:34
Re:Update Failed on Site # 2
Hi @Fae, This solved my problem, i created another NAT broadcasting port 443. Tho this site is connected virtually via omada site to site thats why im assuming that this site has access to my...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-23 03:42:34
Re:Failed ER7206 firmware upgrade and unadoption
Hi @Fae , Sorry if i response first. but that settings is similar to what on my controller. when i view the password it is also the same password on my controller.