Tp link tl-r480t+ load balancing router
Tp link tl-r480t+ load balancing router
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I have the fallowing situation and maybe someone can help me make the right setting.
I have 2 ADSL lines & 2 Fiber Connection(With Public IP's) and I would like to connect them into a TP-Link TL-480T+ load balance router.
Let's start:
My Internal Network is on (
I configure 4 Wan using Static IP'S
Can someone please help me configure this network.
I need to achieve following things,
1) If any internet serivces provider is down the other Wans work continuously ([B]redundancy)[/B]
2) Maximum utilization of bandwidth
3) Routing (DHCP of Load Balancer & internal network can communicate each other) ??
4) Few Application uses Direct Public Ip to access the Internet (Fiber /ADSL links directly connected to load balancer) so those application can still use Public IP
Can Load balancer DHCP provide my internal network ip and Gateways
A little help will be appreciated.
Thank you for making time to read this.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I have the fallowing situation and maybe someone can help me make the right setting.
I have 2 ADSL lines & 2 Fiber Connection(With Public IP's) and I would like to connect them into a TP-Link TL-480T+ load balance router.
Let's start:
My Internal Network is on (
I configure 4 Wan using Static IP'S
Can someone please help me configure this network.
I need to achieve following things,
1) If any internet serivces provider is down the other Wans work continuously ([B]redundancy)[/B]
2) Maximum utilization of bandwidth
3) Routing (DHCP of Load Balancer & internal network can communicate each other) ??
4) Few Application uses Direct Public Ip to access the Internet (Fiber /ADSL links directly connected to load balancer) so those application can still use Public IP
Can Load balancer DHCP provide my internal network ip and Gateways
A little help will be appreciated.
Thank you for making time to read this.