cheap vpn
cheap vpn
Region : Argentina
Model : TL-ER6120
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
i have 2 modems giving me internet at my shop. 1st modem has ip and 2nd has ip There is a single wire cat6 from my shop to home. i have 2 computers in my home. i want to use one modem internet on 1st pc and 2nd modem internet on 2nd pc.
i cannot want to turn of dhcp of modems. and i cannot want to use load balance. my friend suggest me to vpn? whats your view??
provide me cheap solution?
Model : TL-ER6120
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
i have 2 modems giving me internet at my shop. 1st modem has ip and 2nd has ip There is a single wire cat6 from my shop to home. i have 2 computers in my home. i want to use one modem internet on 1st pc and 2nd modem internet on 2nd pc.
i cannot want to turn of dhcp of modems. and i cannot want to use load balance. my friend suggest me to vpn? whats your view??
provide me cheap solution?