eap225 weirdness after updating firmware

eap225 weirdness after updating firmware

eap225 weirdness after updating firmware
eap225 weirdness after updating firmware
Wednesday - last edited Yesterday
Model: EAP225  
Hardware Version: V3
Firmware Version: 5.0.5 Build 20210618

A few months ago I upgraded the firmware on my EAP225 V3 to 5.0.5 Build 20210618 (Canadian).


Before the upgrade things had been stable and honestly I don't remember why I even upgraded. Since the upgrade I've had 2 issues. The first was the EAP failed to completely recover from a power outage, and then today I tried adding a second SSID to the 2.4 radio and experience a similar issue to the power outage one.
What happened in both cases is that the EAP dropped a number of wireless clients, I did a reboot of the AP, after the reboot the web interface was unreachable, but I could ping the AP.

Disconnecting the network cable to the AP to power cycle it did not resolve the issue. The only resolution was to pull the AP from it's ceiling mount and then reset it using the reset button.


I thought that maybe this was a known issue and that a newer firmware might address the problem. I read the release notes 

for 5.0.7+ but I didn't see anything specific for this issue. I decided to install the latest which is 5.1.7, however I got a 'bad file' response. A quick search and it's likely because I'm in Canada and tried to install the US firmware. I hopped onto the Canadian site to grab the Canadian version of 5.1.7 and the most current firmware available is 5.0.8. Not only is this firmware from 2022 it comes with a warning "Follow IC certification in Canada, can't downgrade to US/EU version any more if upgrade this firmware". 

So if I install this firmware I'll be locked to this ancient code with *new* features like "Add support for Facebook Wi-Fi V2 in Controller mode" which hasn't been a thing for 2 years now.


How do I get my 225 onto the US firmware stream? Do I need to downgrade to a specific version of the Canadian firmware? 

6 Reply
Re:esp225 weirdness after updating firmware

Hi  @rlongfield 


The new firmware for CA version is under developing. And you can't update the device to US version.



Disconnecting the network cable to the AP to power cycle it did not resolve the issue. The only resolution was to pull the AP from it's ceiling mount and then reset it using the reset button.

>>Will the issue happen again?




Re:eap225 weirdness after updating firmware



Is there a time line? We're already 3 years and 5 builds behind.


Re:esp225 weirdness after updating firmware

So it turns out that even after a factory reset I still had devices that were having issues.
Seemed to potentially be related to DHCP, so I'll have to investigate that as the source of the issue.

Re:esp225 weirdness after updating firmware

Looks like this was a know issue for the V2.1.1 firmware for the ER605 (ER605 V2_2.1.2 Official Firmware (Released on Feb 14th, 2023) - Business Community (tp-link.com))


However when I visit the Canadian site at ER605 | Omada Network Support the only firmware is V2.2.6. Unfortuantely the release notes for this version make no mention of previous firmware fixes.


Is there another location where I can find better Release Notes? Usually Release Notes have the latest info pre-pended so you can see a history of what's been fixed. Also "Fixed the known security vulnerabilities." doesn't really help, what known security vulnerabilities?

Re:eap225 weirdness after updating firmware

  @rlongfield  I assume you are talking about the 225 (ceiling) and not the 225-outdoor EAPs?

<< Paying it forward, one juicy problem at a time... >>
Re:eap225 weirdness after updating firmware

  @d0ugmac1 Yes the 225 (ceiling)
