Omada passive or active backup gateway/router

Omada passive or active backup gateway/router

Omada passive or active backup gateway/router
Omada passive or active backup gateway/router
2 weeks ago
Model: ER8411   ER707-M2  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

Hi all


I'm currently in the process of replacing a ER707-M2 gateway with a ER8411, due to the big difference in VPN speeds that I see in the specs.


So, after the new gw installation, I'd like to keep the old ER707-M2 as a backup unit in the rack, in case the ER8411 breaks. I'm wondering how to make this possible.


Does the Omada controller (OC200) allows two active gateways at the same time? Active/passive? Active/disconnected? Or it only allows for a single gateway in any case?


I would love to have an active/active setup, but if that's not possible, it would be ok to have at least any setup in which a backup can be physically brought online.



1 Reply
Re: Omada passive or active backup gateway/router
a week ago

Hi @digitalFounders 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

It has never supported two routers at the same site.

Using two routers at the same site isn't proper.

We have never considered supporting two routers at the same site.

What kind of scenario do you require this? How often do you face a problem where the router is down and you require a backup router to come up? Let's say a quarter or a year, how many times do you need for this?


At least, from what I know, as long as you use a UPS, and your router is not overheated or placed in a harsh environment, nowadays, the router basically runs 24/7 and can work for a decade.

Not to mention when you have two routers, it involves much more consideration in software level and how they coordinate with each other.

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