Inter VLAN routing on ER605
After defaulting unit, created the LANs and assigning to different VLANS, shouldn't ICMP from one network be able to ping another VLAN?
Default LAN 192.168.0.X computer can't ping the interface of another VLAN, say VLAN2 at No assignment of that VLAN2 except tagged to all ports.
I want to use these in class and show connectivity of VLANS after creating them. At this moment, I haven't plugged a switch into the router. I'm just plugged into any of the LAN ports, which gives me the 192.168.0.X address, and that gateway is pingable,, but none of the other created VLANS are. Under diagnostics I can ping the interfaces from any of the LAN ports, but the PC plugged in can't.
PC has no firewall turned on, not that should matter since it is starting the ping to an interface.
All other settings are default, this is just to show after a VLAN is created how that network becomes available to use. I haven't assigned it as a untagged port with PVID settings, I've left it as tagged to all other ports, but shouldn't the interfaces respond with a ping back without creating a static route?
I've done this scenario with Cisco's and Linksys routers over the years, but these TP-Links don't seem to follow the same patterns. My Cisco/Linksys have gotten to old and started to fail so I purchased the ER605's for replacments.