Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?

Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?

Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-07 15:45:55 - last edited 2025-01-09 06:13:43
Model: ER7212PC  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.0.3

Hello everyone

I plan to implement many Omada routers in my company, but before that I started to learn about TP-Link Omada routers, and found some issues that I can't understand based on available documents and emulators on TP-Link web site.

On router ER7412-M2 (in Standalone mode) you can set ports to be TAGGED or UNTAGGED in their respective VLANs (for example if there is VLAN10, you can associate ports to this VLAN10 and set them like PORT1 (UNTAGGED) PORT2 (TAGGED) PORT3(UNTAGGED) PORT4 (TAGGED)).  

On router ER7212PC (which only operates in Controller mode) you CAN'T do this (as I understood)??? On router ER7212PC you can create PORT PROFILE, in that profile set the Native Network (PVID), Untagged and Tagged networks, and then apply this profile ONLY to the ports of the adopted switches to this router/controller, but not to the ports of the ER7212PC router itself. I can only set PVID to the router ports in the port settings.

My questions are:

  1. Is there any way I can set ports of the ER7212PC router to be tagged or untagged in their VLANs? If yes, HOW? Can you demonstrate it to me?
  2. If the answer to above question is NO, then are all ports on the ER7212PC router tagged or untagged for any VLAN (for example I create interface „MyNetwork“ with VLAN ID 10, and associate PORT1,2,3,4 to this network. Are those ports in „MyNetwork“ tagged or untagged)?

Thank you very much for your response.

9 Reply
Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-08 01:02:22 - last edited 2025-01-08 01:03:24

Hi @Poky_BiH 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

Does the ER7212PC display in your Devices page? Click it and on the popup menu on the right window, go to the Port and you can set the PVID which will automatically untag the port with the corresponding VLAN.


For the controller, regardless of what it is, as long as you create a VLAN interface, it is added to the default profile as tagged.

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Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-08 13:05:33 - last edited 2025-01-08 13:08:04

Thank you  @Clive_A for your time and response. I am afraid I didn't understand you at all, and still have lot of questions above my head. If you colud help me, because this is really importan to me.  I will try to be more specific with examples.


Router ER7412-M2 (in Standalone mode) have perfect user interface where I can do everything I want. For example: I can create VLAN10, and assign Ports 1,2,3,4 to this VLAN, and determine which one of those ports is TAGGED, and which is UNTAGGED, so literally I have this:


10 VLAN10 Por1 (UNTAGGED); Port2 (TAGGED), Port3 (UNTAGGED), Port4 (TAGGED)


Also on this router I can define PVID for each physical port. Remember, port can be either TAGGED or UNTAGGED, it can't be both at the same time in one VLAN. And as you can see I can do all this on ER7412-M2 router. Link to emulator to this router: https://emulator.tp-link.com/ER7412-M2(UN)1.0-emulator/index.html


Now, my FIRST QUESTION is: how can I do all of this mentioned above on the other router "ER7212PC (which only operates in Controller mode)". I don't know HOW to designate a physical port of this router to be TAGGED or UNTAGGED for respective VLAN. Is it even posible to do it, and how? 


The SECOND QUESTION is: When I create VLAN interface / IP address / Ports on ER7212PC, like this:



Por1, Port2, Port3, Port4


You see thah I can't assign a physical port to be TAGGED or UNTAGGED on this router (like I can on ER7412-M2 router; first example above). So when I create VLAN10 and assign ports to this VLAN10 on  ER7212PC router, ARE THOSE PORTS TAGGED OR UNTAGGED??? (they can't be both at the same time in this VLAN!!!).  Link to emulator to this router: https://emulator.tp-link.com/er7212pc_emulator_v5.9/index.html


The PORT PROFILE menu you have on ER7212PC, you can determine which networks (and therefore ports) are tagged and untagged, BUT this PORT PROFILE can only be assigned to adopted switches to this controller, and I CAN'T apply this port profile to physical ports of ER7212PC router itself!!!


You see my confusion now???

Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-09 02:13:43

Hi @Poky_BiH 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

Poky_BiH wrote

Thank you  @Clive_A for your time and response. I am afraid I didn't understand you at all, and still have lot of questions above my head. If you colud help me, because this is really importan to me.  I will try to be more specific with examples.


Router ER7412-M2 (in Standalone mode) have perfect user interface where I can do everything I want. For example: I can create VLAN10, and assign Ports 1,2,3,4 to this VLAN, and determine which one of those ports is TAGGED, and which is UNTAGGED, so literally I have this:


10 VLAN10 Por1 (UNTAGGED); Port2 (TAGGED), Port3 (UNTAGGED), Port4 (TAGGED)


Also on this router I can define PVID for each physical port. Remember, port can be either TAGGED or UNTAGGED, it can't be both at the same time in one VLAN. And as you can see I can do all this on ER7412-M2 router. Link to emulator to this router: https://emulator.tp-link.com/ER7412-M2(UN)1.0-emulator/index.html


Now, my FIRST QUESTION is: how can I do all of this mentioned above on the other router "ER7212PC (which only operates in Controller mode)". I don't know HOW to designate a physical port of this router to be TAGGED or UNTAGGED for respective VLAN. Is it even posible to do it, and how? 


The SECOND QUESTION is: When I create VLAN interface / IP address / Ports on ER7212PC, like this:



Por1, Port2, Port3, Port4


You see thah I can't assign a physical port to be TAGGED or UNTAGGED on this router (like I can on ER7412-M2 router; first example above). So when I create VLAN10 and assign ports to this VLAN10 on  ER7212PC router, ARE THOSE PORTS TAGGED OR UNTAGGED??? (they can't be both at the same time in this VLAN!!!).  Link to emulator to this router: https://emulator.tp-link.com/er7212pc_emulator_v5.9/index.html


The PORT PROFILE menu you have on ER7212PC, you can determine which networks (and therefore ports) are tagged and untagged, BUT this PORT PROFILE can only be assigned to adopted switches to this controller, and I CAN'T apply this port profile to physical ports of ER7212PC router itself!!!


You see my confusion now???

If you are new to the system or have not used any SDN system before, I recommend you read the User Guide of the Controller.


The web is intuitive. The controller is not a single system. That's complicated which is expected.


In standalone, you have the option to config ports individually.

I am referring to this:

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Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-09 08:05:45

Hi There,


I'm having my same thoughts about this matter, the question is to get more control over the ports which are in the ER7212PC router.

We want to control per port base what is being tagged on the port and untagged.


So lets say we've got VLAN 1, 10, 20 and 30.


With the PVID we can set the untagged port, so thats fine, but


We want to have VLAN10 tagged on port 5, only 20 and 30 tagged on port 6 and only untagged 30 on port 7.


How can we accomplish that?



With kind regards,

Patrick Lieftink

Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-09 08:19:58

Hi @RedFoxie 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

RedFoxie wrote

Hi There,


I'm having my same thoughts about this matter, the question is to get more control over the ports which are in the ER7212PC router.

We want to control per port base what is being tagged on the port and untagged.


So lets say we've got VLAN 1, 10, 20 and 30.


With the PVID we can set the untagged port, so thats fine, but


We want to have VLAN10 tagged on port 5, only 20 and 30 tagged on port 6 and only untagged 30 on port 7.


How can we accomplish that?



With kind regards,

Patrick Lieftink

Create your own switch profile based on your scheme.

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Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-09 10:11:35



Hi Clive_A,


Thanks for your reply, can you explain how to assign a port to a profile, or, is it so that the profile is globally connected to all ports?





Kind regards,





Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-09 10:25:25 - last edited 2025-01-09 10:26:45


The thing is that you can create as many port profiles on this router as you want, and apply them as you want BUT ONLY on ports of switch(es) which are adopted to this router (which is also a contoller). You CAN'T apply those port profiles on this router ports itself!!!


On another router (which worka in Standalone mode), you can decide per router port which are tagged, which are untagged.


Those answers on forum are useless. Basically they say go and read documentation (which I did), and still have questions, as I don't understand.

Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-10 01:02:26

Hi @Poky_BiH 

Poky_BiH wrote


The thing is that you can create as many port profiles on this router as you want, and apply them as you want BUT ONLY on ports of switch(es) which are adopted to this router (which is also a contoller). You CAN'T apply those port profiles on this router ports itself!!!


On another router (which worka in Standalone mode), you can decide per router port which are tagged, which are untagged.


Those answers on forum are useless. Basically they say go and read documentation (which I did), and still have questions, as I don't understand.

First, bringing up a question without reading the docs and guides on the forum is useless. If you want someone to answer your question, go to the support. Forum is for discussion not for QA. I prefer to give you the context and help you master a skill and get into the Omada world. Not QA every day. I would prefer an online chat if you need QA. Not like posting back and forth.


If you need someone to show you how to configure the VLAN from scratch, you have videos. We have fans who made configs videos on VLAN.


To understand what a profile is, reading the User Guide is the easiest way. If you want me to explain it, I will use my words and the jargon to explain. I am not sure if you follow it up. And potentially you may have other questions. That's very inefficient.

No one knows what your skill is. I cannot explain every term from its basic meaning. That's impossible. I am not paid to do that job either.

You can ring the support and have this conversation with it easier than I input words here. More instant way is better than this word description.


Or you take time to read and digest. If you have no patience to learn about a system and understand how it works, you can try different vendors and find out one that fits your understanding easily.

Every system has its own style in the naming and GUI.

Not to mention VLAN is a 3-day * 8 hours training in our internal program for new colleagues who joined us. I was a trainer as previously worked with the phone call support team. I would appreciate a question with your thoughts and your answer. I don't prefer an ask-for-it-and-you-(must)-give-it-to-me way. Where should I start for you? Some terms are hard to understand and you need to learn about it from scratch if you have no basic knowledge supporting it.


Anyway, I find the User Guide and the FAQ on the official website effective and efficient on my questions. Unless there is no helpful one for my questions. I might consider online support. Chat or phone call.

If I post something, I would write it clearly and review its contents before I post it. You don't understand my explanation which means you may not be familiar with some terms. I recommend you get some readings so we are on the same page before discussing something further.


PVID is the way to define an untagged port in controller mode. My second reply is to show you what I mean. You don't understand what I am writing in the first reply which indicates you are not familiar with the system. So, getting yourself familiarized with the system with the User Guide is not a crime.

The first reply:

For the controller, regardless of what it is, as long as you create a VLAN interface, it is added to the default profile as tagged.


Your second question overlaps with the first. If you resolve the first, you have your answer for the second one. And my first reply answered you clearly.


The controller simply changes a different view but basically is the same as the standalone. When you create a new VLAN, it is tagged on all ports. Unless you define it as untagged on a port.

And your last reply questioning me that only applies to the switches. You have tried it in the standalone mode. Does it work likewise in the standalone? You have them tagged on all other ports? This is how a router works.

The ER7212PC is classified as a router. Never advertised it as a switch. The core is a router with the controller implemented. Rest of the ports are gracious ports for you to extend and connect PoE devices.

The whole system is a router-based one. 

Poky_BiH wrote


The thing is that you can create as many port profiles on this router as you want, and apply them as you want BUT ONLY on ports of switch(es) which are adopted to this router (which is also a contoller). You CAN'T apply those port profiles on this router ports itself!!!


On another router (which worka in Standalone mode), you can decide per router port which are tagged, which are untagged.


Those answers on forum are useless. Basically they say go and read documentation (which I did), and still have questions, as I don't understand.


How to Configure VLAN on TP-Link Switch

How to Set Up VLAN Interface on the Omada Router

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Re:Tagged (Untagged) ports on ER7212PC router?
2025-01-10 01:04:35

Hi @RedFoxie 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

RedFoxie wrote



Hi Clive_A,


Thanks for your reply, can you explain how to assign a port to a profile, or, is it so that the profile is globally connected to all ports?





Kind regards,





Do you have the switch? Assigning a profile is about the switch port.

Or do you only want to apply VLAN X and Y to port Z? For the router, the profile is default and you have everything tagged.

If you are talking about the router, like what you created for the standalone router. Everything is tagged by default.

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