Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems

Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems

Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems
Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems
2024-11-01 10:34:44 - last edited 2024-11-06 07:08:52
Model: CPE210  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

If anyone having intermittent and otherwise frustratingly unexplainable troubles with their WiFi PTP links, or substantial Troubles with their WiFi or wireless,  I discuss A very possible if not probable Source of your trouble And ways to go about resolving it.


This post was originally meant to be a reply A thread entitled CPE210 connectivity Problem.   Since that thread was locked and would not allow new replies I went ahead Created this new thread, Which more appropriately Will hopefully reach a lot more people experiencing these problems.


I want to say more than likely, as in assume, That The source of The source of your Problems Is quite simply Some nefarious person Who is Either maliciously Disrupting your wireless Internet Or is actively Hacking your WiFi For 1 of numerous different Reasons including to Determine your WiFi password, Account login credentials to online accounts and or financial accounts For purposes ofof theft And financial gain.


Cause of the Is Is very possibly or probably An outside sourc, And because it is an outside source It is effectively and even more frustratingly  Unsolvable Or unfixable problem for lack of better Or unfixable problem for lack of better termterm.


Being an IT professional As well as very experienced  in These subjects, And personally experiencing the trouble On a regular basis, Even myself Add fail to Think of or consider The mere possibility Of the WiFi issues as being caused Cause causecaused Find outside sorcerer Come on specifically being a nefarious individual Activate hacking indoor Maliciously Disrupting Our WiFi.


In my own case I had a deployment of approximately 10 wireless access points Across A large property, Covering 7 acres End sitting Higher top A. Mount mountain Right on right on the edge of Right on the edge of a mountain bluff Over overlooking Down down below it A Very Very dense residential neighborhood community in which Call a mobile Mobile home park that consisted of double or triple wide manufactured homes Right next to 1 another In very close proximity And approximately approximately 200 or so Home homes.


In the property in which neighbor that community being a High-end Timeshare vacation resort With My best guest might be500-1,000Condo condos apartments or whatever you might call them.  Not a hotel or motel But more Closely mimicking the Design and layout of A residential apartment complex With many Buildings.


Equipment wireless access points consisted of 4 different brands And models , A couple TP link CPE210 s, Couple Aruba AP21s Running open WRT, Cisco2,501s Running firmware allowing Them to operate a standalone APS, And lastly 3 ubiquiti air cube ISP s.


In my caseWhat are the details in which Stood out to me concerned the fact that the trouble was being experienced across different Brands models Equipment of Equipment of equipment Which very quickly Effective effectively rule out The possibility or possibility The possibility or possibility of misconfiguration and or fail failure Individual or particular participant Access Plex point.


Always wanting more information more data Come on this is the answer and solution just in general.  I 1st Change the logging configuration Number of the access points to be The most detailed logging,,  Usual Label Label debug level loggingdebug And then proceeded to start keeping an eye on the logs and reviewing Log entries.


Thing for others As your 1st step To perform.   Enable detailed logging in your wireless device Typically termed Typically termed debug Level logging Can be Turned on or adjusted usually within the web based control panel for Your wireless device.   If If unfamiliar with how to do this or needing more information Simply google the manufacture and model number of your device along with words such as enable login Or debug logging And you should come up with Information and How to Relatively easily.


In my case I took notice real quick the relentless and repeated Log entries  Entitled or termed deauthentication.   Because of my level of experience And prior knowledge that And prior knowledge that word deauthentication had very specific meaning to me.


For those who Don't already know what that word means in the context of WiFi quite simply It means more than likely you have some person actively attacking and or hacking your wifi.


And with that begins the circus.  Continue let me briefly mention the otherother Error in which I had also seen in log entries but this 1 was few and far in between And I didn't begin seeing it Earlier on. So my point is A lack of Seeing Log entries concerning replays....  Replace what's in your logs Don't just Suggest Did somebody is hacking your wireless, But seeing replay errors within your logs Suggests the outside source andand In my opinion confirms That it is an outside Source responsible For your trouble.


Symptom wise There are pretty unique characteristics When it comes to the symptoms.   I'm able to fairly accurately with good precision Diagnose diagnose Sully from an Sully from an end user'sfirmsSully from an end Sully from NN users verbal description of their Trouble with Un Un working or Wireless Wireless.


Devices will report a strong signal yet and try to connect yet fail to,

Everything will be working fine1 day 1 week or 1 month and then all of a sudden unexplainably, It refuses to connect or stay connected.


The trouble experience Will tremendously vary based upon your Your physical location.   Obviously In our case In a much larger location Than a small apartment or Home home Come in the same principle will apply.


Pay very close attention 2To areas In which The trouble is worse or more problematic versus areas of your home property or business  In which the WiFi is much more usable usable and or functionalthe possibility Log entry


called dIn which the WiFi is much more usable usable and or In which the WiFi is much more usable usable and or functional and not exhibiting The same difficult difficulty and connectivity issues.


Quite simply move to different rooms in which there are additional barriers in between your WiFi device and....


The nefarious hacking WiFi signal will logically obviously be coming from a single location, Most likely From some place outside of your home, apartment or business.   By moving Around and placing more walls and or other physical obstructions between you and the originating source of the malicious WiFi signal You should and will notice A decrease in the trouble or problem Being experienced with WiFi.


This helps too1 determine kind of a direction in which the source of the signal is originating

2 this will help you Confirm Come in a That the source of your trouble is A malicious WiFi signal From an outside sourcenon

In 3 this also In 3 this also offers a little bit of Defensive options In order to help mitigate or combat This specific problem.


In regards to #3, you can Relocate Your wireless Access access point To a more recessed location within your home apartment Office or building.   You see WiFi signals Are for the most part pretty weak and in simple English they do not Like going through anything they do not penetrate or go through any obstructions very easily Nor do they turn.   Simply walking through a a door or entryway and turning To your right a ' or 2  A couple 'Will result in a massive decrease In the WiFi signal and or connection.   This is an easy way for a lay person, and This is an easy way for a lay person, and non technical way by which to experience it 1st hand and see just how much of an impact walls and obstructions have In regards to WiFi signals.


All you have to do is just simply remember that WiFi signals don't like you Come and quite simply don't go through anythinganything, With walls being a great example.   


WiFi signals are known as what's line of sight Which means that if you standing somewhere cannot see with your own 2 eyes the access point or Device responsible for Transmitting the WiFi the WiFi signal....


Light up sight And you want to be able to see with your own eyes from wherever you stand see your WiFi access point or router come with the device responsible for The signal at the other end.   If you can see it your device should be able to communicate with it, Generally speaking.



I also forgot to mention my list of equipment are TP link EAP110 outdoor AP.   When I was down Below which refers to being a ground of sea level versus on top of a mountain I would guesstimate 1⁄4 mile long story short total I would In the area of a mile distance And I was shocked I was really surprised to see that both a laptop I was using an alienware As well as amazon As well as amazon fire tablet Was able To see and show in the list of available WiFi   SSSIDS to connect to actually The 2In which originate from In which originate In which originate from The EAP110 Coincidentally happens to be On the Love with a clear line of sight down below To the to the valley in which sits below   our  mountaintop,  How much further Distance Than I would have expected out of that TP link outdoor access point.


In all of my googling , I was searching for 2 things 1 any help suggestions or how to in regards to identifying and or confirming this particular problem in trouble And I was also looking for any software tools or resources in which would assist me in both diagnosing and resolving or mitigating The issue.


The 1st 1 I had found to be of any help or benefit Diagnosing and confirming Phase of things was kismet Within Kali, Of which I Had run on a laptop via a USB live OSOS.   


 I also ran simultaneously to , wire shark, wire , wire sharkshark...

Wicked wire shark If you click on the wireless menu at the top of the screen and then choose W. land traffic from that menu It will open up another window in which will afford you some useful and actionable Information/Intel.


This brings me and reminds me of Retry, I forgot to mention that within the device Web based control panel Some devices show fairly detailed statistics ,, with our ciscos and open WRT devices being a couple examples of that and I took no that with within  The wireless, I took note that there was a very high number/quantity of retries and or there was a very high percentage rate of retries.  Also known as CRC errors.


This is another major red flag To look for in determining whether or not This is the cause of your particular trouble.


I know this Encyclopedia Length Post Only continues growing in size Traditional With each additional detail I provide.  


Despite a pretty substantial amount of googling over numerous days1 of the things I took notice of is lots and lots and lots and lots of people Having Tremendous WiFi difficulties How much and based And based upon their And based upon their descriptions of the trouble I would very confidently diagnose it as being Caused by an outside source Coma coma malicious WiFi signals Coming from Some person activate attacking or hacking their WiFidescription.


What I also made a observation of an kind of made a mental note was the fact that I never even once Saw or heard mention or anybody even suggest That It could be  This possibility.   The sheer volume Come on the lack of any mention whatsoever how about of this even being a possibility really surprised me and and continues to surprise me.


Not only is this a possibility but in fact I would very confidently say that It much closer Much closer to Much closer to a probabilitya.   And here's my logic Behind viewing it as more of a probability than a mere possibility.


Anybody Even a non Even a non technical layperson is able to purchase A WiFi pineapple or similar device For A merework dollars   Googing WiFi pineapple or hak5 WiFi pineapple, Will provide tremendous insight into the Ready as in Ready as in readily available Characteristics surrounding Characteristic characteristic surrounding oh the WiFi pineapplepineapple.    


 So for 139 bucks anybody Has the ability To not only wreck havoc on all nearby WiFi But that and far more.   


Simply googling Phrases such as Hack WiFi or jam WiFi, Well very quickly have a person Looking in the right direction and encountering subjects such as Kali Linux and WiFi Pineapples.    Web search results as well as The quantity of videos on YouTube surrounding Will help to illustrate just how easy and readily available to anybodyanybody, this subject happens to be.


I can assure you That this problem is much more prevalent and far far more widespread throughout not just our society but the world then most people are consciously aware of or recognizing, I guarantee it.


Ask for how to resolve this problem Is something That I personally have come up empty handed not seeing anybody or any mention online Astro To have how or concerning hunting down  Rogue WiFi signals to their source.


I'm essentially myself Having to Develop This process on my own And it's been time consuming frustrating And  Hassle some.   Bottom line is that it centers around Obtaining a lot more data a lot more informationinformation.

AAnd in order And in order to do that and obtain Useful and beneficial data Requires some specialized Soft softwear Soft soft software and hardware,, Working together In order to provide Actionable Intelligence.


At the very least this translates to A Kali Linux capable type of laptop Combined with   A good directional Antenna End Compatible WiFi transceiver capable of operating in promiscuous or monitor mode.   That would be the bare minimum for The hardware side of thingsthings.


the Software side I found To be very Helpful Providing Wireless Wireless signals and or attacks, Behind that I found wire shark To be of tremendous and great help as well yet also lacking or failing to provide me a lot of the data and information that I was expecting as well as needing I'm not But won't get into that within within this post.


I have not yet tried some other promising looking pc of software Named pi savar and piDense.  These are pc of software   In which  Are supposed to  Identify Andorra confirm the presence of such malicious And outside source rogue WiFi signals.


What's the solution you might be asking, That's not so easy to answer but here goes.


In the event that you're unable to locate the source of the malicious WiFi signals  and or hammer go Stop The signals, You're then left with Figuring out ways and means by which to reduce the impact upon your WiFi and quite simply Left to your best attempts To medicate the problem and cause there too.


I have not yet tried this but Do you believe that it would work Successfully and that is To have a Custom device A. open WRT Firmware based   Device and Previously flashed with open WRT.  Combine with some custom software running in which effectively creates as many Duplicate WiFi SSIDS/signals in which mirror you're around legitimate And many many different duplicate client devices.    Long story short If you transmit an excessive number of non-existing Duplicate/decoy signalssignals, You can Essentially Diminish The impact Of a WiFi pineapple or similar device by keeping it tremendously occupied or preoccupied Targeting or attacking All of the Decoy signals which dramatically will reduce the time that it is able to spend Attacking attacking or Your real signal.


I'm thinking about Coding or creating such a thing though it would be a ton of work and I'd have to really study the intricacies Concerning And surrounding WiFi signals in pretty great detail as to be able to manipulate Things at this at this level. I am more helpful and miraculously Hoping to stumble upon A pc of software already being made by somebody elseelse, Provide this functionality No at this point from what I've seen so far seems to be Much less of a possibility.


Encountering pie dance and pie saver And or similar things gives me hope that there might already be something Previously made That will be helpful and beneficial In this regards.


I hope Many others experiencing the same trouble, Well hopefully encounter my Post here And at least consciously Look 2 but either confirm or eliminate as a possibility A bad nefarious malicious Person Outside source of malicious WiFi signals.


to A A bad nefarious actor here


In time I'll come back and revise this editing it  Grammatical errors contained as well as contribute Further knowledge details and suggestions.



it causes the Duplicate/decoy signal it causes the WiFi pineapple pineapple





I did come across A couple A couple toolstools


o 1⁄2 a mileSuch as wallsis it a veryoptionsAnd is it a And is it a very easy way to


TP link

My own

Vacation resort

An attempt to diagnose the troubleby some nearby Rogue 1 WiFi fail to

1 Accepted Solution
Re:Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems-Solution
2024-11-06 07:08:39 - last edited 2024-11-06 07:08:52

Hi  @Cyoungblood611 

Thank you for your detailed and valuable sharing. Your contribution is truly remarkable and will be of great help to many users who might be experiencing similar issues.


Your insights into the possible causes and the proposed solutions are not only comprehensive but also presented in a clear and understandable manner. The time and effort you have put into sharing your experiences are highly appreciated. This kind of community - driven knowledge sharing is what makes our user base stronger and more capable of handling technical challenges.


We believe that your post will serve as an excellent resource for others, enabling them to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity problems more effectively. Once again, thank you for your selfless sharing, and we look forward to more contributions from you in the future.

Wish you a happy life and smooth network usage! 
Recommended Solution
1 Reply
Re:Solutions to intermitterent Connectivity Problems-Solution
2024-11-06 07:08:39 - last edited 2024-11-06 07:08:52

Hi  @Cyoungblood611 

Thank you for your detailed and valuable sharing. Your contribution is truly remarkable and will be of great help to many users who might be experiencing similar issues.


Your insights into the possible causes and the proposed solutions are not only comprehensive but also presented in a clear and understandable manner. The time and effort you have put into sharing your experiences are highly appreciated. This kind of community - driven knowledge sharing is what makes our user base stronger and more capable of handling technical challenges.


We believe that your post will serve as an excellent resource for others, enabling them to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity problems more effectively. Once again, thank you for your selfless sharing, and we look forward to more contributions from you in the future.

Wish you a happy life and smooth network usage! 
Recommended Solution


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