IPSec VPN Policies Vanished but some still working
I have 4 sites. Each has a VPN link to at least 2 others. For clarification here is the jist:
Site 1 connected to 2, 3, 4.
Site 2 to 1,3,4.
Site 3 to 1,2.
Site 4 to 1, 2.
(Site 3 and 4 don't need to talk to each other)
Site 4's WAN IP recently changes, so I loaded up the Controller to change it and all of the policies for Sites 1,2 and 4 are missing. Site 1, 2, and 3 are all still connected to each other, but the VPN settings page says "No VPN Policies Yet". When I reboot the router at Site 1, it even shows the VPN establishing connections to Site 2 & 3.
Site 3 still has it's VPN Policies visible and able to edit, which leads me to believe that the IP address change at Site 4 had something to do the issue.
I am concerned that if I try to add the policies back, that the system will essentially create duplicate VPNs and screw it all up. I can't make any major changes between 9AM and 9PM without disrupting business.
Site 1 VPN Status list in Insights
Site 1 List of VPN Policies looks like this at sites 1,2, & 4.
Site 3 List of VPN Policies (this is working as expected)
Site 1 Log Entry showing reconnection to Site 2 and 3 after Reboot.