Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5

Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5

Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-01-30 18:35:03 - last edited 2024-03-25 19:08:38
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 5.12.7

Update - 16 January 2024

Instructions below updated to most current Raspberry Pi OS, installed and tested on Raspberry Pi 5, with Omada SDN Controller v5.12.7.  Confirmed that OpenJDK-17 work, which is installable through apt and for which the install instructions have been updated.


Update - 26 December 2023

Instructions below updated to most current Raspberry Pi OS, installed and tested on Raspberry Pi 5, with Omada SDN Controller v5.12.7.  Note that the JAVA runtime installation instructions has been updated to OpenJDK-11.


Update - 3 June 2023

The links listed below for OpenJDK-8 no longer works.  Omada SDN Controller will run on OpenJDK-11, but that requires JSVC 1.1.0 which is not in the official Raspberry Pi OS repos.  It is possible to solve the dependecies to install JSVC 1.1.0, but I have not had time to update the instructions


Also see this FAQ with good info about installing the Omada SDN Controller on a number of Linux distros.


Update - 22 January 2023


Bare metal install on 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS - no Ubuntu server, no Docker.  Tested with version 4 and now the latest version 5.7.4 of the Controller software. I have it running on a Model 3B+ with 1G RAM.  Also running on Model 4 w/ 4G RAM.


Links have been updated and verified on most recent install




1. Download & install latest 64 bit LITE version of Raspberry pi OS to new sd card of your choice from the link below. Note - the legacy version of Raspberry Pi OS will not work
    This is not a guide to installing Raspberry Pi OS so I won't provide detailed instructions on that.


2. Download and install version 4.4.18 of MongoDB mongodb-server from
   sudo apt install /home/<username>/mongodb-org-server_4.4.18_arm64.deb


   Note this post explaining that MongoDB V4.4.19 will not work.


3. Mongodb server would normally be run as a service by doing the following commands  
   sudo systemctl daemon-reload
   sudo systemctl enable mongod
   sudo systemctl start mongod

   In this case not required, as Omada controller starts the server as required.
4. Check that curl is installed

   apt list curl


5. Download and install openjdk-17-jre
    sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless


6. Install jsvc
   sudo apt install jsvc
7. If you have multiple versions of OpenJDK installed then you need to tell system which java to use
   sudo update-alternatives --config java


  Selection    Path                                            Priority   Status
  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64/bin/java      1111      auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64/bin/java      1111      manual mode
* 2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-arm64/jre/bin/java   1081      manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:


   Now select the option pointing to the version of OpenJDK you want to use.


8. Download and install latest version Omada SDN controller
   sudo apt install /home/<username>/Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.12.7_Linux_x64.deb



If all went well the controller should start and you should get the following message


Install Omada Controller succeeded!
Omada Controller will start up with system boot. You can also control it by [/usr/bin/tpeap].
check omada
Starting Omada Controller. Please wait.........................................................................................................................
Started successfully.
You can visit http://localhost:8088 on this host to manage the wireless network.


Now you can access the web interface of the Omada Controller by pointing you web browser from any PC on the same network to 


1 Accepted Solution
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5-Solution
2022-04-26 05:59:28 - last edited 2022-04-30 20:06:38


For the newer versions I was getting the error:

 omadac : Depends: mongodb-server (< 1:4.0.0) but it is not installable or
                   mongodb-10gen (< 4.0.0) but it is not installable or
                   mongodb-org-server (< 4.0.0) but 4.4.13 is installed


It worked using instead:
dpkg -i --ignore-depends=jsvc,mongodb-server Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.1.7_Linux_x64.deb
Recommended Solution
117 Reply
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS (For Controller v5)
2022-02-08 08:28:54

Dear @kilovar


Thank you for your sharing on the community!


This guide is applied to Omada Controller v5, I'd suggest you add it in the subject title of this post. Cheers!

>> Omada EAP Firmware Trial Available Here << *Try filtering posts on each forum by Label of [Early Access]*
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5-Solution
2022-04-26 05:59:28 - last edited 2022-04-30 20:06:38


For the newer versions I was getting the error:

 omadac : Depends: mongodb-server (< 1:4.0.0) but it is not installable or
                   mongodb-10gen (< 4.0.0) but it is not installable or
                   mongodb-org-server (< 4.0.0) but 4.4.13 is installed


It worked using instead:
dpkg -i --ignore-depends=jsvc,mongodb-server Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.1.7_Linux_x64.deb
Recommended Solution
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-05-03 00:20:13

  @kilovar The java 8 package doesn't seem to be available anymore. I have found the same version for ubuntu, but I am too much of a noob to know if it is the same thing or if it will not work on this version of linux or not.


Do you have an updated link?


I will experiment and see what happens. I was hoping to not have to go back and forth on this too much though.


Thank you for the guide though!

Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-05-03 01:13:40



Can you please tell me how to apply this. I am a linux noob and still learning. 

Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-05-03 02:07:51

Dbert wrote

  @kilovar The java 8 package doesn't seem to be available anymore. I have found the same version for ubuntu, but I am too much of a noob to know if it is the same thing or if it will not work on this version of linux or not.


Do you have an updated link?


I will experiment and see what happens. I was hoping to not have to go back and forth on this too much though.


Thank you for the guide though!

 @Dbert It is still available at the same location, but the name of the file changed to a newer version - openjdk-8-jre-headless_8u322-b06-1~deb9u1_arm64


Unfortunately there are new rules on this site that does not allow me to post links anymore, so follow the link to the directory holding the files posted previously and there you will find the fill name I posted above

Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-06-23 14:16:20

  @kilovar I'm running Omana Software Controller on a RPi 3B (1GB RAM) for years now. And Version4 was running really well.

But since the upgrade to Omada Version 5, which needed a clean install, my RPi runs out of RAM very fast and then isn't responsive at all, no SSH, nothing... (no screen connected, so I don't know what would be there).


What RPi do you use to run Omana Software Controller 5?


Do you know any configs to size the down the controllers resources? I used htop to inspect the process and it eats up all the RAM. 


I just run a very small network with 2 EAPs and a Portal for guest to login

Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-06-23 15:27:36
@Khaos I was able to get V5 to install on RPi 3B but I've never tried running it as a production system. Just watching the memory usage was enough indication to know that it would not work. I currently run Omada SDN V5 on a RPi 4B w/ 4GB RAM and it runs flawless with 4 EAPs and Omada router. Looking at the total memory use it seems to max out around 2GB, so I think you'll be able to run it fine on a 2GB RPi 4B. But since the RPi3B is only available in 1GB version I just dont see it working
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-06-23 17:05:09

  @kilovar I see. Thank you for the fast answer

Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-07-01 18:49:57

@Khaos I fear that you are getting a bit of inaccurate information.  A raspberry pi 3B should have no issue running an install of Omada .... especially on a Raspberry Pi OS Lite install.  I suspect what has happened with your install is that you have not enabled RAM compression or a swap file/partition.  I currently run Omada v5 on a Raspberry Pi 3B with an Ubuntu server install and it runs flawlessly, has been for a few months straight (aside from the reboots needed due to some software updates).  It will need to be able to swap out pages on occassion but this is certainly no reason to go run down a new Pi4, especially in today's market.  Swap partitions/files are tried and true methods of dealing with infrequent paging needs.  Add something like RAM compression and lessen the need for paging even more. As you can see, there is PLENTY of CPU cycles available to handle a little memory compression.  I suspect that, compared to Ubuntu Server, there is even less overhead in a Raspberry Pi OS Lite install, though I haven't tested that personally.  Give it a try, might save you the sticker shock of a Pi4 and the frustration of locating one, you certainly have nothing to lose.


Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
2022-07-01 19:06:52

  @jomiller48 that sounds wonderful!

I also use Ubuntu server. I'll try to find a tutorial for that matter and have a try :)
