Fae thank you for your answer.
There is a customers project with very little budget (so no vlan or multiple switches), but a demand for basic security (port isolation is in the moment the only way to have ipv4 AND ipv6 isolation).
There ist a guest network and a private network. Both shall be isolated against each other.
here is the simplified setup:
Port 1 of switch ist gateway
Port 2 is guest
Port 3 is private printer
Port 4 is private PC
Port 1 can be unisolated
Port 2 shall be isolated
Port 3 and 4 shall be isolated, but should have the possibility to connect to each other (so you can print form private PC)
In that case i would have the need for a forwarding port list, to set Port 4 as the forwarding port of Port 3 and vice versa.
It would be great if you could do the same thing in the Omada-SDN like in standalone mode.
Best regards