You can not change ALG Settings on the ER6020
You can not change ALG Settings on the ER6020
Model :
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
The router does not support changing the configuration of ALG Sip, when disable ALG SIP and select save, the election returns to enable, i need disable SIP ALG, I have a PBX that requires this option disabled to work well.
I have tried other routers from other manufacturers by disabling ALG Sip and works without problem my PBX.
Please, can anyone help me solve this problem?:(
thank in advance.
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
The router does not support changing the configuration of ALG Sip, when disable ALG SIP and select save, the election returns to enable, i need disable SIP ALG, I have a PBX that requires this option disabled to work well.
I have tried other routers from other manufacturers by disabling ALG Sip and works without problem my PBX.
Please, can anyone help me solve this problem?:(
thank in advance.