3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias

3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias

3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias
3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias
Model: ER605 (TL-R605)  
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Hello everyone, i would like to ask for a setup that may help me with a problem. I have 3 wans on the router ER605. In the setup of WAN Ip alias on each of them, can i use these ip aliases as a gateway for a device on a network? The router has IP Can i use ip's for the wan alias from these network? for example for first wan for the second and for the third? Thanks for any help.

2 Reply
Re:3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias
Friday - last edited Friday

Hi @Vagelisk 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

Not what we recommend. I also don't understand what you would do this. But it should work theoretically.


But they should be based on the single WAN interface.

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Re:3 Wans with different WAN Ip Alias
Friday - last edited Friday

  @Clive_A Thank you for your response. I have 3 wan lines and one phone center. I have to register the phone center with these 3 wan lines. Inside the menu of phone center i  have to setup for every registration (username and password) the gateway that it has to use for the registration process. I put the gateway of omada router for every registration proccess. The problem that i have is, how to setup inside router (ER605) to send traffic from phone center to each wan for the registration proccess. I can write the example with IP's:


The vpn router (ER605) has IP

The phone center has IP

I setup the NAT configuration ---> for WAN

                                       ---> for WAN/LAN1

                                       ---> for WAN/LAN2

Inside phone center i have this setup:

Gateway for Line1:

Gateway for Line2:

Gateway for Line3:


Sometimes the registration process inside phone center it works but sometimes, for example, Line1 registration has failed because the traffic doesnt go through the right WAN, is not stable. But phone center has this to work stable because if it goes from wrong WAN the registration will failed.

