Switch Died - Please help

Switch Died - Please help

Switch Died - Please help
Switch Died - Please help
14 hours ago

Back Story: About 4 years ago, I helped my daughter set up a small wireless network at a hotel she owns/runs in Costa Rica. I used a RL605 Router, a SG108PE Switch, an OC200 Controller, two wired POE Access Points and two wireless Access Points. I configured the entire network at home in the US and sent the components with her to Costa Rica. She connected it to her IP’s Modem and it worked.


The network worked flawlessly and I could monitor it via Omada, but unfortunately, I don’t remember how I set everything up. Yesterday, they had an 8 hour power outage. When the power came back on, the Switch did not - the LEDs are dark. I walked the manager through metering the power supply - it was providing the correct voltage to the connector at the Switch. I also had him use the RESET button, but the Switch is still dead. With the Switch inoperable, I can’t use Omada to find the various settings and IP addresses I used originally. 


She will have to replace the Switch, but I’ll have to figure out how to replace the configuration. For this, I have two options: Try to recall the configuration, set it up in the US and send it down to be plugged in OR have it delivered there and try to remotely walk a local through the configuration. (My daughter was able to do this, but she won’t be there. With language and experience barriers, working with locals will be pretty painful.)


My questions:

My recollection is most of the important stuff (fixed IPs, WAN IP, DNS IPs, etc) is in the Router. Beyond the POE settings, what do I need to do to the Switch?


Will the OC200 Controller automatically  reconfigure the new Switch? I’m guessing not, because the SG108PE switch is not Omada SDN supported. 


In a different application, I used the same Router and Controller, but used a SG2210P switch. If they plugged in one of these, is there any chance the Controller would configure it? Again, I suspect not, but maybe.


Any other recommendations?


Thanks for your help,

1 Reply
Re:Switch Died - Please help
8 hours ago

Hi @Struggling 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

TL-SG108E is not Omada series. You cannot adopt or manage it over the Omada cloud.

You can VPN into the LAN of the remote site and configure over the Internet. But note that if you misconfig something, you cannot revert it. VLAN might disconnect you from the switch. Someone has to be on site and reset it.


Or you consider Omada switch. 

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