ER7212PC Wireless to wired access

ER7212PC Wireless to wired access

ER7212PC Wireless to wired access
ER7212PC Wireless to wired access
11 hours ago - last edited 11 hours ago
Model: ER7212PC  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.3.1

Hey there,


I just bought the ER7212PC and I was able to setup multiple wired networks and wireless networks. But I experience a weird behaviour:
From wireless network A (assigned to VLAN 10, 192.168.10.x) I can access wireless devices from wireless network B (assigned to VLAN 20, 192.168.20.x),

but I can't access from wireless devices in network A wired devices in network B (VLAN 20, connected to port 5 with PVID 20, and DHCP assigned IP).


Real Scenario: I want to access my wired homematic controller in the IoT network (VLAN 20) from my Laptop connected in the wireless network assigned to VLAN 10.

There is a lot information about what the ER7212PC is capable and not capable of, but most of it is outdated. Therefore, I would like to ask for help to make my wired device accessible from different WiFis or confirm that this is not possible with the ER7212PC and if an additional switch would help.



Thank you!





1 Reply
Re:ER7212PC Wireless to wired access
22 minutes ago

Hi @SKL50 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

You can refer to this:

What If My Windows Computer Is Not Accessible or Pingable Over the VPN/VLAN In


This is a more of a problem with your computer/device firewall settings. Not a router level issue if you have not configured any stateful ACL.

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