TL-SG3452 won't boot after power loss, needen firmware recovery
Hi, my switch stopped working after a sudden power outage. It won't start, I only see the following message in the console.
Begin to startup system, please wait a moment...
Starting kernel ...
L2:(tp_fdb_init)line885, RTL8380 ERROR=3
L2:(adFdbInit)line1585, RTL8380 ERROR=3
In "BootUtil" mode I have 6 commands to choose from, unfortunately none of them work. How can I fix it? How do I upload a new .bin file to it?
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
* TP-Link BOOTUTIL(v1.0.0) *
Copyright (c) 2021 TP-Link Corporation Limited
Create Date: May 14 2021 - 22:36:15
Boot Menu
0 - Print this boot menu
1 - Reboot
2 - Reset
3 - Start
4 - Activate Backup Image
5 - Display image(s) info
6 - Password recovery
Enter your choice(0-6)
tplink> 5
Images in system:
index Attribute Size Filename
----- --------- ---------- ---------------------
1 (b) 10485760 image1.bin
2 (*) 10485760 image2.bin
----- --------- ---------- ---------------------
(*) - with the Startup attribute
(b) - with the Backup attribute
tplink> 1
Are you sure to reboot the device?[Y/N]:y
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Erasing SPI flash...Writing to SPI flash...done
Begin to startup system, please wait a moment...
Starting kernel ...
L2:(tp_fdb_init)line885, RTL8380 ERROR=3
L2:(adFdbInit)line1585, RTL8380 ERROR=3