Omada down/up stats on multiple devices connected via the same managed switch looks wrong

Omada down/up stats on multiple devices connected via the same managed switch looks wrong

Omada down/up stats on multiple devices connected via the same managed switch looks wrong
Omada down/up stats on multiple devices connected via the same managed switch looks wrong
Model: SG2016P   ER605 (TL-R605)  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.20.5

I have the SG2016P managed switch in my utility room.  Cable plugged into port 12 runs to my Great Room entertainment center.  There I have an unmanaged switch connected to my Roku, TV, Receiver and Blu-ray player.

Everything works fine, but when I look at the client stats for upload/download by device, I notice that it claims my receiver has downloaded 12GB and uploaded 265MB while the other devices, even the Roku, have downloaded and uploaded exactly 0 Bytes.  That's clearly not correct.

In fact, I notice this exact same thing for my basement entertainment center and my office.  Each has an unmanaged switch with multiple devices connected and all traffic seems to be arbitrarily associated with just one of the devices.

Is this expected behavior?  Not that it's a huge deal...   Assuming I wanted to fix this, is the only way to replace each of the unmanaged switches with a managed switch?

1 Reply
Re:Omada down/up stats on multiple devices connected via the same managed switch looks wrong

Hi @DrNeau 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

The stats count is a collateral work. Only relying on the switch, it does not work.

And the stats count from the unmanaged switch might not be accurate.


With a router, and switch setup, not including the unmanaged switch, others connected to the switch directly display properly?

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