Omada SDN - Port Isolation/Port Forwarding for Level 2 switches

Omada SDN - Port Isolation/Port Forwarding for Level 2 switches

Omada SDN - Port Isolation/Port Forwarding for Level 2 switches
Omada SDN - Port Isolation/Port Forwarding for Level 2 switches
a week ago
Model: OC200  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version:

Hello, I noticed a few other users have the same issue I am running into.  Namely that the functionality for L2 switches on a stand alone basis to select port isolation with the ability to then select additional ports for port forwarding doesn't appear to be implemented if you try to configure the switch through the OMADA OC200 or SDN software package.


See for example this past post:


Can you please clarify when and if this functionality will be added through the OMADA SDN software/OC200?  It is a glaring deficiency frankly, and should be fixed since it can't be the case we lose functionality of the switch that can be done in stand alone solely because the switch has been joined to the OMADA centralized control.


Thank you.
