c540v does not send no motion signal to my Synology NAS

c540v does not send no motion signal to my Synology NAS

c540v does not send no motion signal to my Synology NAS
c540v does not send no motion signal to my Synology NAS
2025-01-29 21:04:55
Model: VIGI C540V  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 2.0.5 Build 240914 Rel.61620n


I currently have a c540v for testing to replace another manufacturers products.

However i am experiencing, that it from time to time does not send a "no motion registred" signal to my Synology DS420+, which has up to date firmware.

This seems to be only periodical. I have tried to change different paramters on the camera GUI with out noticing any change.


It is like the signal is stucked at motion detected from the camera side, but only periodically. My other cameras eg. Hikvision does not have this behavior.

I hope the above makes sense, and that you can provide a solution?



1 Reply
Re:c540v does not send no motion signal to my Synology NAS

Hi @AndreasJen 

Thanks for posting in our business forum.

Are you still following this up?

I saw the last reply you had with the support team was weeks ago.

If you still follow this up, reply to the email and download the debug firmware provided by the support team. We need to debug this before we have a conclusion.


For others who are interested in this case, we have not found the reason. Nor do we reproduce the issue in our lab environment.

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