EAP610 Random Reboots & Clients all on one AP

EAP610 Random Reboots & Clients all on one AP

11 Reply
Re:EAP610 Random Reboots & Clients all on one AP
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago


Looks like the issue is still not resolved.  Here is what I see.


Both access points have rebooted in the past 24 hours on their own for some reason (no loss of power, connected to a PoE switch which shows 65 days of uptime and is on a UPS).  One is possibly not accepting clients correctly even now as it only has 7 vs 30 on the other (and the one that has 7 usually has the most clients).

Who can I contact to work on this and provide diagnostic data to?  This is clearly some issue with these EAP610 devices and I'm seeing others posting about similair issues.


