ER8411 BUG - Enable Bandwidth Control when bandwidth usage reaches

ER8411 BUG - Enable Bandwidth Control when bandwidth usage reaches

11 Reply
Re:ER8411 BUG - Enable Bandwidth Control when bandwidth usage reaches

  Hello @Clive_A



I made more attentive observations and can describe algorithm how this feature works. 

After Total Bandwidth reaches %% that setupped -- Bandwidth Control began to reduce user's traffic according to their bandwidth rules.

And only if Total Traffic will be LOWER than %% for 4 MINUTES - it will switch bandwidth control off!!

Just need to wait 4 MINUTES and all this time Traffic must be LOWER than setupped percentage!


So it is NOT A BUG, I want to ask Developers - is it possible to reduce this 4 minutes to 1 minute or less?

May be this 4 minutes is so long period by some serious reason and better not to change it?
