Configuring multiple VLANs on ER605
Currently have single LAN/VLAN (lan1) with that is working fine. My requirement is to have a 2nd LAN/VLAN (lan2) with network Both VLANs should be able to freely communicate with each other. lan1 has DHCP enabled, however for lan2 (which will house servers only) does not require DHCP and will get servers with static IP addresses. The Mode is set to "Normal" for both VLANs. Both VLANs have all ports assigned to them as PCs (in VLAN1) and Servers (in VLAN2) are all attached to a common switch coming out of a single port in the router. So Ports are set to "2(UNTAG) 3(UNTAG) 4(UNTAG) 5(UNTAG)" for both VLANs.
The configuration works for devices with static or DHCP addresses in VLAN1. However the server configured to work with network in VLAN2 with static IP (e.g. does not connect to the network and cannot reach anything or be reached by anything.
I want two seperate networks that are able to freely communicate and ping each other - at least for now, and possibly set firewall rules later. Is this possible? If so, what am I doing wrong? Should the Ports be TAGged?