Scheduled Patrol Scan for VIGI PT(Z)-Cams
Scheduled Patrol Scan for VIGI PT(Z)-Cams
#Patrol Mode
#VIGI Camera
we are thinking about using the VIGI cams for surveillance.
One important point of the PT(Z)-cams is the possibility of patrol scans. All of the cams should do these scans with a schedule, but i don't find any way to configure this.
For example:
Mo-Fr: 06:00 to 18:00: stay on parking position 1
Mo-Fr: 18:00 to 06:00: patrol scans between parking position 2 and 3
Sa+Su: 0:00 to 23:59: patrol scans between parking position 2 and 3
No problem to configure with my cheap TAPO cam, how to realize with VIGI?
1 Accepted Solution