Shutting down unnecersary ports and services on an ER605
I have just bought and installed an ER602 to allow to use use network fallover as a standalone device (i.e. without an Omada controller).
Looking at the ports it is listening on, it seems ports 53, 80, 443, 1723, 2601, and 8080 are open (on the LAN side, I have not yet checked on the WAN side, even though that would in fact be the more serious problem is anything at all was open on the WAN side).
53 is DNS, and 80 and 443 are for web management and so all would be necersary.
8080 I am guessing is providing me with a web proxy service, but can I disable this, and if so, then how?
I have no idea what 1723 or 2601 are being used for, and can they also be disabled?
Is there likely to be anything at all open on the WAN side, and if so how can they be disabled.
Equally, these are TCP conections, which are easier to detect, but are there likely to be any UDP ports open (except for 53 for DNS)?