How to block DNS requests from a smart device in my LAN
I have a Tuya Devices that I'm only wanting to control locally via Home Assistant. I'm using the Local Tuya integration you can find here .
I've blocked internet via ACL WAN Restriction but on the Github page I linked it says:
NOTE - Nov 2020: If you plan on integrating these devices on a network that has internet and blocking their internet access, you must block DNS requests too (to the local DNS server eg If you only block outbound internet then the device will sit in zombie state, it will refuse / not respond to any connections with the localkey. Connect the devices first with an active internet connection, grab each device localkey and then implement the block.
Does anybody know, how I can Block DNS Requests.
I have tried with Port53 restriction or Block my DNS IP Adress. But the Tuya Device is still not available.
After disable the WAN Internet Restriction, and reconnect the Device, everything works fine. But I want to have a 100% Cloud Free Tuya Device.