Alpha Numeric Voucher Codes
Hi, I would like to request the following for all controller (Cloud, Software, Hardware)
1. Alphanumeric Voucher Codes - Having Alpha Numeric Codes will improve security. Users are guessing voucher codes to gain free access to the network. Please increase the number of characters too.
2. Voucher Code Input Timeout - To prevent users from guessing. The system should temporarily prevent users from entering a voucher code after multiple failed attempt.
> Option to set the number of attempts before initiating timeout (i.e. After 3 failed voucher code input, time out is initiated, voucher box is disabled for xx time)
> Option to set the duration of the time out. (i.e After 3 failed voucher code, voucher box is disabled for xx minutes/hours duration)
3. Ability to Upload in CSV/excel file our own self generated codes. A template in excel or csv must be provided.