Problems with 5Ghz and Radius
we have an OC200 Controller and EAP 610 Accesspoints, then we discoverd that if we use a mesh Network we can Access a WPA2 Personal Network buw not a WPA2 Enterprise Network. Intrestingly older devices could still connect.
After some tests I found that even without a mesh I could not connect to a WPA2 Enterprise Network that uses Radius authentification, when only a 5Ghz Network is enabled, when 2.4 and 5Ghz is enabled the authentfication seems to work, but I assume the device is first connected to 2.4 Ghz and switches to 5Ghz later
A 5Ghz only WPA2-Personal network work without any problem
I tried an EAP 610 (witch was hardware revision 1 without a controller and there was no problem with a 5Ghz only WPA2-Enterpirse network)
I looked with tcpdump there were only Radius packages comming from the AP when 2.4 Ghz is enabled with 5Ghz only it was silent
I woul appreciate any help with that topic