OC200 unable to establish connection?
I'm struggling to gain cloud access to an OC200. When I attempt to launch, I get the error that 'the controller is disconnected, we're going to reconnect the controller'.
A 'Connection is establishing...' message is displayed, and then it fails to connect. Only option is to retry which is no help, still fails.
Logged in to my cloud account, controller status = online
Cloud light on controller is solid green
Logged in to the controller directly, Cloud Access Status = Connected
It was working perfectly fine until I recently made a change to the gateway subnet from 192.168.0 to 192.168.66. Gateway is an ER605.
As I expected, this change kicked the controller offline.
After about 2 hours OC200 came back online and the IP address indicated it picked up the new IP address range.
(presumably the controller went offline until the DHCP assigned address was refreshed, which is behavior that I anticipated)
And ideas why I can't gain access via cloud?
(I have a hunch that a reboot of the OC200 might correct the situation, or disabling/enabling the cloud access. However, I am wanting to change the subnet range at another site that I don't have direct/physical access to and want to make sure I can resolve this situation before making that change. Otherwise I'd be stuck without the ability to manage that entire site until I can gain direct/physical access)