Not on controller, I have solved this on Windows with a powershell script that create a L2TP connection and route to needed VLAN, this script also crate split tunnel. I don't want all traffic to route to L2TP server only remote LAN.
but on other operating system I steel have problem.
Modify and save as L2TP-v10-v20.ps1 and run with powershell.
Add-VPNConnection -AuthenticationMethod "MSCHAPv2" -EncryptionLevel "Maximum" -L2tpPsk "jrewkjlk##Ljksl" -Name "L2TP-v10-v20" -ServerAddress "my.dnsfor.me" -SplitTunneling -TunnelType "L2TP" -RememberCredential -PassThru -Force
Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "L2TP-v10-v20" -DestinationPrefix
Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "L2TP-v10-v20" -DestinationPrefix