OC-200/SDN Email Notification using Amazon SES?
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to find a "simple" way to enable my OC-200/SDN controller to email me alerts, etc. I used to use the GMAIL smtp server (not G-Suite). But over the past few years Google likes to block folks from doing this because it is less secure.
So now I'm trying to set this up using SES inside of a free Amazon AWS account. Has anyone had any luck with this? I validated my sending email address and created SMTP user credentials. I'm using the correct Amazon East Coast SMTP server (email-smtp.us-east-2.amazonaws.com). I've tried all of the ports 25, 465, 587, or 2587 with and without SSL checked. Everyone requires TLS these days. Does Omada/SDN do TLS?
Or is there a simple, free, SMTP forwarding service I can use instead, that your would recommend?
I really wish that TP-Link enabled Omada/SDN to send these emails through them. Or at least had a push type service so that these notifications would show up in the iOS/Android apps.
If my OC-200 was at work it would be a non-issue. But since it's at home, that's a problem.