2 CPE510s in ~2km with reflection?
Hello community,
I have two CPE 510s, one in AP and the other one as a client.
They used to work in 100m from one building to the other one in the city (although the algorithm of the distance in Pharos thought it was something like 300m, no idea why, I am guessing noise from the surrounding APs). Now we are trying to make them play out in the field, however no direct visual link can be achieved (there is a hill around the two points). We we were wondering how easily they will work with a reflection (water tower) and through a barn and the walls of each house. We tried it ... no luck. Maybe the settings should be different when playing with reflection?
We are trying with these in the client (and respective ones in the AP):
Mode: 802.11n
Channel width: 20Mhz
Max TX rate: MCS15
Transmit power : 17dBm
MaxStream mode: auto