JohnSam wrote
Hi everyone, I have a problem with a TP-link Switch. I've programmed it with a native VIan (ID 1, 1-28 untagged ports) and a voice Vlan (ID 999 ports 1-28 tagged) on all ports. I have saved the configuration, and it works fine. When I reboot the switch, all the ports of the voice VLAN become untagged. Does anyone have any idea what that might be?
As I know, if you use tagged for voice data, you need to use Auto VoIP. It seems that Voice VLAN is used for untagged devices.
You need to enable Auto VoIP and set Interface mode as VLAN ID. Then you still need to manually add the port to VLAN 999 in 802.1q VLAN and set tagged port. Finally you need to enable LLDP on switch. If your VoIP devices support LLDP as well, they will get the VLAN information from switch through LLDP.