SG108E IFTable IN/Out octect
I'm trying to get iftable in / out bit or octets from the TL-SG108E. I've tried the following:
curl -v -u admin:admin http://admin:admin@ -H "Referer:"
But I cannot get it to accept the user/ password. Which is the default
I've tried passing user / pas through -F 'username=admin' -F 'password=admin' -F 'submit=Login'
and a variety of other things. I just cannot get it logged in via lynx / links / curl...
Can anybody help me with the correct syntax?
If I login through the GUI / WEB port 80 I can see the interface stats, so I know this is possible. I just cannot get the switch to
respond from the command line
I would be nice if I could just do a snmp query against this but apparently only the 208 supports snmp query.
any suggestions would be helpful.