Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)

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Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)

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Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-07-26 10:09:58 - last edited 2021-01-21 08:33:56

Update 2020/04/30: Omada EAP Controller 3.2.10 community version has just been released.

There is now a .deb-package available for easy installation on Debian, Raspbian and any other Debian-based Linux. The steps below are not necessary anymore for the installation of Omada Controller using the dpkg package manager.


The following (now obsolete) post is still here for reference only:


By accident, I stumbled over Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Windows. Looks cool, introduces meshing for EAP225-Outdoor and uses JRE 8 instead of buggy JRE 7. Release notes from TP-Link are on the US support site. Here is the derived community release (»fan-made movie«) of


Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux


Latest update: 2018-08-21 20:50


Seems to run stable. By now it is in use on our main production site and two dozen servers of other users.

Usual disclaimer: Use at your own risk. This community version is neither released nor supported by TP-Link.



To install Omada EAP Controller 2.7.0 on your Linux system you will need:

  • JRE 8 at least, preferably from Oracle (but might probably work with OpenJDK, too)
  • the native package of mongodb from the official repositories
  • a role account (username eapc) for Privilege Separation.


In this version there are no binaries embedded with EAP Controller. This way, it should run on any flavour of Linux. Tested already with Debian, Devuan, Ubuntu and Raspbian.


Important Step 0: 

Before replacing your old EAP Controller (EAPC in short for the rest of the document) make a backup. This backup should include the EAPC software itself and the content of its database.


First method for backing up the EAPC's database

You can choose the backup function of the web UI, but then make note of the device passwords and EAP associations, since you will have to adopt all EAPs again. 


Second method

For me a copy of the complete data subdirectory worked much better: it did retain each and every setting, even the map files. Those steps are described below in step 7 after setting up the mongo database.


Third method

If you have installed EAP Controller v2.6.1 for Linux (community version) and did choose to use the native mongodb package from your system's repository, there is a third method for backup: using the mongodump utility. Execute the command:


        mongodump --out /opt/tplink/backup


This will create a directory backup with all collections of all databases in (binary) BSON format for later restoration later. The backup files contain everything except for the map and portal files, which are stored in EAP Controller's data/map and data/portal directories. Just copy those two directories to the new installation as outlined in step 7 below. 


If you did install EAPC v2.6.1 for Linux I posted in May this year, then updating the EAPC software is as easy as modifying some symlinks and copying over the whole data directory. If something goes wrong, you can easily downgrade to any older EAP Controller version – unlike the Windows users, whose installer will not let them do a downgrade once v2.7.0 has been installed. No mercy from me. 



Step 1: setting up a role account


Please note that at least you must create the role account before installing any files from the TAR archive. If not, file/directory permissions won't match and EAPC won't start at all. If you already did install my version 2.6.1, you can skip this step and proceed with step 2.


To add a role account with username eapc, execute the following command as root:


        adduser --system --disabled-login --group --no-create-home \

                --home /opt/tplink/EAPController \

                --gecos "EAPC privilege separation" \

                --shell /bin/false eapc


[Above command updated: we no longer need to assign the eapc user a shell: changed /bin/bash into /bin/false]



Step 2: Download the TAR archive with Omada Controller v2.7.0


Download the TAR archive from

See, it's just 39 MB. The Windows version is more then three times as fat, just like Bill Gates today compared to his look in the late 1970s.

Small is beautyful, at least regarding software!


Check the SHA256 sum:

        $ sha256sum -b eapc-2.7.0.tar.gz
        0a482e7d129dd787ed40b38f109728db92653b2768b3979a53ab2abc8d9d51cc  *eapc-2.7.0.tar.gz



Step 3: Extract the TAR archive


Change into /opt/tplink and extract the TAR archive as root. You need to do this operation as root in order to retain file ownership from the archive. Most files are owned by root, but some are owned by eapc, the user ID the EAPC is running under. Did I tell you that it has privilege separation for enhanced security? I did.


        # tar xvzf eapc-2.7.0.tar.gz


This will create two directories - EAPController-2.7.0 and tpeap-1.2 - and a file README. Note that the start/stop script tpeap is already installed in the controller's directory, but included separately for your reference and for installation of its manpage.


Check ownership of the top-level directories, it should look like this:


        # cd /opt/tplink


        # ls -ld EAPController-2.7.0

        drwxr-xr-x 11 eapc eapc 139 Jul 26 07:53 EAPController-2.7.0


        # ls -l EAPController-2.7.0

        drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   55 Jul 26 01:18 bin

        drwxr-xr-x 6 eapc eapc   51 Jul 26 07:53 data

        drwxr-xr-x 2 root eapc   39 Jul 26 01:05 keystore

        drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:05 lib

        drwxr-xr-x 2 eapc eapc   96 Jul 26 07:53 logs

        drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:06 properties

        drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   36 Jul 26 01:07 webapps

        drwxr-xr-x 3 eapc eapc   32 Jul 26 07:53 work



Step 4: Replace the old EAPC


Now lets organize your EAPC home directory. Stop the Controller if it is running. If you want, make a backup before doing so.


– If you are upgrading from an older version (< v2.6.1), rename the directory EAPController and install a symlink to the new one. For example, for an EAPC v2.5.3 the commands are:


        # cd /opt/tplink

        # mv EAPController EAPController-2.5.3

        # ln -s EAPController-2.7.0 EAPController


– If you are upgrading from v2.6.1 and have installed it as recommended, just change the symlink:


        # cd /opt/tplink

        # rm EAPController

        # ln -s EAPController-2.7.0 EAPController


As you can see, we use the file system for version control. The name EAPController is just a symlink to the current EAPC version.


This is a non-destructive update; to downgrade at any time you like, just point the symlink to the appropriate target directory. It's that easy!



Step 5: Install the JAVA JRE


Probably you did note in the file listing above that the JRE normally embedded in EAPC is missing from the distribution. EAPC v2.7.0 uses Java JRE 8 and since this is available on many Linux distributions by default, I didn't embedd it in the TAR archive intentionally.


The EAPC version for Windows uses JRE 1.8.0_162. For my Debian Linux system I did install JRE 1.8.0_181. Find and download the JRE for your platform in the official software repository of your Linux distribution or download it directly from Oracle's website.


For example, the Linux x86_64 JRE can be found here:



Extract the files from the TAR archive to where you would like them. For example, you can extract them into /opt/jvm or into /usr/lib. If you extract the archive as root, specify the option --no-same-owner to tar in order to prevent assigning the files to the user from the archive. The extracted files should be owned by root, group root.


To set up the JRE, you can use the alternatives mechanism (useful if you want to try different JRE versions without having to change the tpeap start/stop script):


        # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jvm/jre1.8.0_181/bin/java 1000


or simply install a symlink manually:


        # cd /opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0

        # ln -s /opt/jvm/jre1.8.0_181/bin/java /usr/bin/java


Now check whether Java is installed correctly:


        # /usr/bin/java -version

        java version "1.8.0_181"

        Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)

        Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)


Finally, create a symlink to the JRE into the EAPController-2.7.0 directory:


        # cd /opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0

        # ln -s /opt/jvm/jre1.8.0_181 jre





Step 6: Set up the mongo database


In EAPC v2.6.1 I did recommend to use the native mongodb package from the official Debian/Devuan/Ubuntu/Raspbian repository. Therefore, there are only symlinks in directory EAPCotroller-2.7.0/bin pointing to the native mongodb binaries:


        # ls -l /opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/bin

        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   14 Jul 26 01:17 mongo -> /usr/bin/mongo

        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   15 Jul 26 01:18 mongod -> /usr/bin/mongod


If you want to use the old mongodb embedded in EAPC v2.6.1 (which actually came from TP-Link's official EAPC v2.5.3), you can try this, but I have not tested it.


If you have not installed mongodb yet, do this now:


        # apt-get update

        # apt-get install mongodb --no-install-recommends


Disable automatic startup of mongod on boot. mongod will be started by EAPC, which is no good idea, but since it's hardcoded in EAPC's Java code, you have no choice at all:


        # systemctl stop mongodb.service

        # systemctl disable mongodb.service


        # update-rc.d mongodb stop

        # update-rc.d mongodb disable


        # service mongodb stop

        # service mongodb disable



Important note:

Before proceeding with next step, check the version of mongodb just installed. To do so, manually run the command:


        # mongod --version


– If your mongodb version is < 3.6, continue with step 7.


– If your mongodb version is >= 3.6 you need to edit the argument list EAPC uses to start the mongod daemon. The option --nohttpinterface, which is set by EAPC, has been removed in mongodb version 3.6 and newer. To get rid of this option, you will have to delete it from the file


To do so, make a backup of and edit the file /opt/tplink/EAPController/properties/ using your favorite editor. Search for the line starting with eap.mongod.args= (should be line 15) and remove the --nohttpinterface option from the list of arguments.

My favorite editor for doing such stuff is sed, the good old UNIX stream editor: 


        # cd /opt/tplink/EAPController/properties

        # cp ../

        # sed -i 's/^\(eap.mongod.args=.*\) --nohttpinterface \(.*\)$/\1 \2/'


Thanks to miked315 for reporting this bug found on Ubuntu systems with mongodb 3.6.3.



Step 7: Restoring configuration from EAPC v2.6.1


As mentioned above, to restore settings from an old installation in the new one copying the data directory did work for me, so you might try this, too. Make sure that the files are owned by the eapc user, else mongod won't be able to write into those files:


        # cp -r EAPController-2.6.1/data/ EAPController-2.7.0/

        # chown -R eapc.eapc EAPController-2.7.0/data



On my system the existing database from TP-Link's older mongodb embedded in EAPC v2.4.8 for Linux was not useable with latest mongodb from the Debian package repository. I had to delete all files below EAPController/data to make EAPC v2.6.1 starting up successfully. Almost certainly, this is also true for upgrades from older versions < v2.6.1 to v2.7.0 and even from v2.6.1 to v2.7.0 if you did not use the native mongodb package back then.


If in step 0 above you did save the database content of v2.6.1 using mongodump, you can now restore the DB using mongorestore. Execute the command:


        # mongorestore --drop /opt/tplink/backup/


The option --drop is important, it will drop all colelctions before installing the saved ones. This will restore all collections of all databases, but not the map and portal files. To make the database consistent again, copy the directories data/map and data/portal from your old EAPC to the new version. Again, make sure the files are owned by the eapc user:


        # cp -r EAPController-2.6.1/data/map EAPController-2.6.1/data/portal EAPController-2.7.0/data/

        # chown -R eapc.eapc EAPController-2.7.0/data



Now you probably got the idea why I did recommend to use the official mongodb package with EAP Controller rather than an embedded version. If upgrading to a new mongodb version, your database will be retained by apt-get. In addition, you can easily make a backup using mongodump and restore it using mongorestore at any time, even as a scheduled task.



Step 8: Do you read manuals? Sure you do.


The tpeap start/stop script is already installed in EAPC v2.7.0. But you might want to install the manpage, too. You find the man page of tpeap

in the subdirectory tpeap-1.2 from the TAR archive:


        # cd /opt/tplink/tpeap-1.2

        # cp  /usr/share/man/man8/tpeap.8

        # gzip -v --best /usr/share/man/man8/tpeap.8


If you did upgrade from an older (< 2.6.1) version, you might want to install symlinks for automatic start at system boot. To do so, run those commands:


        # ln -s /opt/tplink/EAPController/bin/tpeap /etc/init.d/tpeap

        # update-rc.d tpeap defaults


Note that /etc/init.d/tpeap links to EAPController/bin/tpeap, not to EAPController-2.7.0/bin/tpeap, so further upgrades won't require any modification.


If you want, you can also add a symlink into /usr/bin, so that the command can be run independent of your position in the directory tree:


        # ln -s /opt/tplink/EAPController/bin/tpeap /usr/bin/tpeap



That's all. Now start EAPC by running tpeap and watch the blinkenlights:


        # tpeap -w start



Two final notes:


– If tpeap fails with an error message, but EAPC appears to be running after a while, your system needs more time to start the EAPC. Yes, it's Java, even on modern systems slow as a snail. tpeap has a new option -W sec, which let's you set the time-out in seconds, after which tpeap will abort if EAPC seems not to be running. If you found the best value for the time-out on your platform, you can change it permanently by modifying the variable WAIT_TIME in the tpeap script.


– If tpeap is started on boot time, it will not wait for completion of the EAPC startup, but rather start the controller in the background and return immediately so that it will not delay the start of other services. The new version of tpeap will even indicate the startup period if you interactively check for the current status of EAPC:


        # tpeap status

        EAP Controller is still initializing, please wait 51.734.945.283.421.835.268.775 more CPU cycles¹


¹ Just kidding, the number is much smaller and is not displayed.


After a while, this changes to:


        # tpeap status

        EAP Controller is up and running.


Have fun!



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22 Reply
Re:Omada EAP Controller v2.7.0 for Linux, anyone? Sure!
2018-07-27 15:03:38 - last edited 2018-07-27 16:02:38

Omada Controller v2.7.0 for Linux now has been tested succesfully on following platforms:


Model/CPU Cores/Speed Operating System Kernel-Version Initializer EAPC Starting Time

Recommended value


Intel server

Intel Xeon E5-1650

6 / 3.2 GHz Debian 8.9 3.16.43 systemd ~18 sec. 30

Dell PowerEdge

Intel Xeon CPU

2 / 3.2 GHz Debian 8.10 3.16.51 systemd ~64 sec. 70 (default)

PCEngines APU2


4 / 1.0 Ghz Devuan ASCII 4.9.88 init ~151 sec. 180

Raspberry Pi

ARM Cortex-A53

4 / 1.2 GHz Raspbian (Debian 9.4) 4.14.52 systemd ~127 sec. 180


If you get it running, feel free to add to this table (reply with the values).

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Re:Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-07-30 09:30:05

Works great on Debian for a few days now, didn't had any problem to install

Thanks @R1D2 for the communitie version.

Maybe TP-link can hire you , since they didn't release a version since 2.5 (and this one had serious security bugs)



Re:Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 09:30:39

Thank you very much for this release.


Unfortunately my installation was not as smooth and I get:



Problem accessing /wizard/c;JSESSIONID=3f2b20b7-679d-4340-ba33-2db84e3a107e. Reason:

    Server Error


Caused by:

org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: Timed out while waiting to connect after 4048 ms; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out while waiting to connect after 4048 ms



I can confirm that mongod is not started:

# ps -A | grep  mongod returns nothing

The symlink is valid: 

# /opt/tplink/EAPController/bin/mongod --version
db version v2.6.10
2018-08-08T11:28:36.271+0200 git version: nogitversion
2018-08-08T11:28:36.271+0200 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016


There is no usefull information in the logs dir.


I am running Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS and wanted a clean install. so I ran the uninstall script from the officeal 2.5.3 version and followed your guide as root:


# adduser --system --disabled-login --group --no-create-home --home /opt/tplink/EAPController --gecos "EAPC privilege separation" --shell /bin/false eapc


# mkdir /opt/tplink

# cd /opt/tplink

 Downloaded eapc-2.7.0.tar.gz

# xvzf eapc-2.7.0.tar.gz

# ls -ld EAPController-2.7.0
drwxr-xr-x 11 eapc eapc 4096 Aug  8 10:34 EAPController-2.7.0


# ls -l EAPController-2.7.0
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:18 bin
drwxr-xr-x 6 eapc eapc 4096 Aug  8 10:52 data
drwxr-xr-x 2 root eapc 4096 Jul 26 01:05 keystore
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:05 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 eapc eapc 4096 Aug  8 10:37 logs
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:06 properties
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 26 01:07 webapps
drwxr-xr-x 2 eapc eapc 4096 Jul 26 07:05 work


# ln -s EAPController-2.7.0 EAPController


Java was allready installed, so:

# cd EAPController-2.7.0

# ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre jre

# jre/bin/java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)


# apt-get install mongodb --no-install-recommends

# update-rc.d mongodb stop

# update-rc.d mongodb disable


# ln -s /opt/tplink/EAPController/bin/tpeap /etc/init.d/tpeap

# update-rc.d tpeap defaults

# ln -s /opt/tplink/EAPController/bin/tpeap /usr/bin/tpeap


# tpeap -w start
 * Starting EAP Controller                                                                                                                                                      [ OK ]
EAP Controller started successfully.
Direct your browser to http://server:8088 for accessing the EAP Controller.


# tpeap status
EAP Controller is up and running.



Any clues as to what I did wrong?


Best regards





Re:Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 20:16:55

I'm having trouble with this version of 2.7.0 as well, on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.  No matter what I do, when I try to connect to the web interface I get the following error:



Problem accessing /. Reason:

    Service Unavailable


Powered by Jetty://


Originally I thought I was having a problem due to copying from data directory over from the official 2.5.3 release, so I backed everything out and installed the community 2.6.1 which I got working with no trouble.  Then I went back to 2.7.0 and I get the same results whether or not I copy over my data directory, so I'm thinking something else is going wrong here.  I also tried copying the mongo and mongod binaries from the 2.6.1 release into the 2.7.0 release and then starting it and I get the same results.  Very odd.  I wish TP-Link would hurry up and release an official 2.7.0.


I do see some errors in the server.log, it continues on with similar Java errors after this


2018-08-08 15:52:20 [main] [INFO]-[SourceFile:34] - success to load configuratio

n :

2018-08-08 15:52:21 [main] [INFO]-[] - Initializing Spri

ng root WebApplicationContext

2018-08-08 15:52:21 [pool-6-thread-1] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller 

isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:23 [pool-6-thread-2] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller 

isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:26 [pool-6-thread-3] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller 

isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:28 [pool-6-thread-1] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller 

isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:32 [pool-6-thread-2] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:33 [pool-6-thread-3] [INFO]-[SourceFile:92] - Omada Controller isn't prepared to handle event

2018-08-08 15:52:36 [main] [ERROR]-[] - Context initialization failed

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'eapInfoController': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: private com.tp_link.eap.monitor.globalsetting.service.k com.tp_link.eap.web.eap.ui.EapInfoController.a; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'regionService': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: private com.tp_link.eap.monitor.globalsetting.repo.RegionRepository com.tp_link.eap.monitor.globalsetting.service.impl.RegionSerivce.a; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'regionRepo': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out while waiting for a server that matches AnyServerSelector{} after 4784 ms

        at org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.postProcessPropertyValues( ~[spring-beans-4.0.5.RELEASE.jar:4.0.5.RELEASE]

        at ~[spring-beans-4.0.5.RELEASE.jar:4.0.5.RELEASE]

Re: Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 20:28:50

Hi Asbjørn,


I remember that I got this error, too. In my case an old mongod was running which prevented start of the daemon EAPC was trying to start.


Please post the output of the following commands:


mongod --version




which mongod


The EAP Java method tries to start mongod by looking for $EAPC_HOME/bin/mongod. This is a symlink to /usr/bin/mongod. If the link is correct for Ubuntu's installation too, there must be some other problem preventing the start of the mongodb daemon by EAPC.


You are right, the logs from EAPC are mostly useless. But did you look into mongod.log? There are very useful UNIX-style log entries such as an entry about last successful start of the daemon:


Tue Jul 31 11:25:39.054 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=12143 port=27017 dbpath=/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/data/db 64-bit host=ms2
Tue Jul 31 11:25:39.054 [initandlisten] db version v2.4.10


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Re: Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 20:38:07 - last edited 2018-08-08 20:49:42


Hi miked315,


the logs from server.log are mostly useless and ever have been so. All those messages you did post just mean that EAPC wasn't able to connect to mongod, probably b/c it's not running at all.


Only useful logfile is mongod.log and to a certain extent the startup.log. The server.log isn't helpful at all, too much chatter.


Please post the version number of mongod of your Ubuntu package and check the mongod.log for errors.


The trick I use to see what happens during start of the controller on a certain distribution is to start the Omada Controller manually as a foreground process. If this works, but starting with the system's start-stop-daemon utility does not, then it has been screwed up again (does happen all the time since introduction of systemd, sorry to say). I remember that all versions in the past did have problems on Ubuntu, even the official Linux version made by TP-Link (v2.5.3 and v2.5.3beta).

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Re:Re: Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 20:49:36 - last edited 2018-08-08 21:00:20

It doesn't seem to be writing anything to the mongod.log at all, it seems like mongod is not starting.  When I do ps -ef |grep mongo I see no running processes.


The mongodb that apt-get installed is:

db version v3.6.3

git version: 9586e557d54ef70f9ca4b43c26892cd55257e1a5

OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 2017

allocator: tcmalloc

modules: none

build environment:

    distarch: x86_64

    target_arch: x86_64



Looks like this version of mongodb might not like the --nohttpinterface parameter.  Tried running the startup command from startup.log on it's own.


mike@jalapeno:/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs$ "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/bin/mongod" --port 27017 --dbpath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/data/db" -pidfilepath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/data/" --logappend --logpath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/logs/mongod.log" --nohttpinterface --bind_ip --journal

Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '--nohttpinterface'

try '/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/bin/mongod --help' for more information

Re:Re:Re: Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 20:58:48 - last edited 2018-08-08 21:01:02

miked315 wrote

It doesn't seem to be writing anything to the mongod.log at all, it seems like mongod is not starting.  When I do ps -ef |grep mongo I see no running processes.


Try to execute it manually like EAPC does (you need root permissions to start):


/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/bin/mongod" --port 27017 \

      --dbpath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/data/db" \

      -pidfilepath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/data/" --logappend \

      --logpath "/opt/tplink/EAPController-2.7.0/logs/mongod.log" \

      --nohttpinterface --bind_ip --journal


If it starts, do a ps -aef and check the user ID the process is running under. Use netstat -anp | grep mongod to check wether it listens on port 27017. Then start Omada Controller. It will complain about not being able to start mongod itself, but since it connects anyway to check for mongod, Omada Controller might start up.


Anyway, it would be helpful to know under which UID mongod is running on Ubuntu.

༺ 0100 1101 0010 10ཏ1 0010 0110 1010 1110 ༻
Re:Re:Omada EAP Controller v2.7.0 for Linux, anyone? Sure!
2018-08-08 21:03:22 - last edited 2018-08-08 21:17:55

Works perfectly, no issues. Upgraded from 2.6.1 with no issues. Followed the initial 2.7.0 instructions to the letter :)


Provider: OVH VPS

OS: Debian 8 (Jessie) template

Kernel: 3.16.0-6-amd64

Plan: VPS 2018 SSD 1

Location: London


Linux HOSTNAME 3.16.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.57-2 (2018-07-14) x86_64 GNU/Linux


OpenStack KVM

1 vCore(s) 2.4 GHz


20 GB SSD (Local RAID)



Re:Re:Re: Omada Controller 2.7.0 for Linux (community version)
2018-08-08 21:11:48

miked315 wrote


Looks like this version of mongodb might not like the --nohttpinterface parameter. 


Yes, that's it. See also


Please edit /opt/tplink/EAPController/properties/ and remove the --nohttpinterface option from eap.mongod.args.


If you're lucky, EAPC obeys this property (it does not always honor all properties, so no guarantee that it works).

༺ 0100 1101 0010 10ཏ1 0010 0110 1010 1110 ༻