Outdoor Wifi Auranet EAP-110 Connect to Buildings
Outdoor Wifi Auranet EAP-110 Connect to Buildings
Model :
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
in our company we have a building without a Network connection. Now I want to build a WLAN bridge between these buildings.
For that I found the product Auranet EAP-110 Outdoor Access point. So the connection should look like this:
Router-----Ethernet-----Auranet AP ) ) ) ) WIFI Distance 80 m ( ( ( ( Auranet AP ---- Ethernet ----- Windows Client
Is this the right product for this scenario? Can it act in a Bridge-Mode?
Best regards
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
in our company we have a building without a Network connection. Now I want to build a WLAN bridge between these buildings.
For that I found the product Auranet EAP-110 Outdoor Access point. So the connection should look like this:
Router-----Ethernet-----Auranet AP ) ) ) ) WIFI Distance 80 m ( ( ( ( Auranet AP ---- Ethernet ----- Windows Client
Is this the right product for this scenario? Can it act in a Bridge-Mode?
Best regards