Range Extenders
2022-02-06 13:25:53
RE505X has the WI-FI light blinking red every single day now
What does it mean when the Wi-Fi light is blinking red? Lately it is doing this every day. How to I make it stop?
Kasa Cameras
2022-02-08 23:41:03
All KASA cameras have stopped recording to SD card! EC70, KC105 all worked well until recently.
I have 3 EC70 and 3 KC105 cameras that all worked flawlessly until recently. Suddenly, they all stopped recording to SD cards. I realized that they had stopped recording when I tried to play back what
Kasa Smart Switches
2020-12-10 14:48:34
Router Rebooted now 38 of my Kasa Switches Blink fast green
I have 38 Kasa devices that include switches, 3-way switches, Smart Plugs, and dimmers on my network. My router is a netgear Orbi (RBRv2) and a satellite. Everything works fine unless I reboot my rout
2022-01-23 10:08:36
TP-Link U500 Nano & windows 11 pro
Just installed my TP-Link U500 Nano on my windows 11 PC but sound to my phonak paradise earing aids stops roughtly every 20 seconds for a second then resumes. Any idea what might be causing this? I us
Bug Report
2022-01-21 17:25:19
tp-link kasa products won't reconnect to wifi after power loss or router reboot
I have a smart swith HS200 and a plug HS103. Everytime I lose power, or if i reset my router, they both don't reconnect to my wifi. Last time this happened I had to: 1. Factory reset them. 2. Reset my
Range Extenders
2022-01-24 03:46:12
how can I connect my RE600x extender to my Deco router AX5700 to
How can I use my extender to connect to my onemesh network, instead of creating a new name for the extended network? i tried to set up my wifi extender RE600X to my onemesh netwrok of my deco x5700 bu