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Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-09-05 15:31:58
Re:Impossible to change Wi-Fi connection
@meefcertified Best way to do this is to unplug the extender and press and hold the reset button for a few seconds. Next set up your router how you want it. Once up and running then connect your...
Forums/ Adapters
2024-09-04 22:31:18
Re: TP-Link WiFi 7 PCIe WiFi
@MarwanDS There is a new driver, not sure what has changed: Download for Archer TBE550E | TP-Link
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-22 15:59:53
Re:someone is attached to my TP Link Archer AX6600 router
@ArcherC8 yep, I knew about that setting. I just changed the names from unkown to the devices name in the Tether App. Left the private address settings enabled.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-22 00:27:18
Re:someone is attached to my TP Link Archer AX6600 router
@jschwar313 what other devices are you changing the login info on after you change the routers info? I am betting the unknown is a phone, due to the icon and that my iPhones behave the same way, show...
Forums/ Adapters
2024-08-21 20:44:54
Re:Archer T3U Plus(US) v1.6, Driver Installation Problems on Windows 8.1, S/N Y23C138005901, Win8.1
@Chet_Myerson Make sure your Windows 8.1 is fully updated. Sometimes there are issues with network adapters and version of Windows that aren't fully up to date.
Forums/ Adapters
2024-08-21 20:42:28
Re:what is the cable to internal usb header for?
@Azgannar It's for the Bluetooth.