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Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2022-08-18 03:02:41
Energy Monitoring devices
Currently, I have a KP125 that I was testing to see how it works before committing to more for my home. But now that I am seeing the value and considering how to deploy elsewhere in the home. I have...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2022-08-18 02:52:34
Re:Product Differences: EP25 vs KP125
@MC-509 thanks for asking this as I am attempting to figure this out too.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2022-08-02 02:37:06
Kasa Smart Plug lost comm with Google Home
We have a Google Home and got a Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug Slim for the Energy Monitoring capability. This was our first Kasa and it seemed to work great with the Kasa App on my phone to program and get...