Unable to download clips

Unable to download clips

Unable to download clips
Unable to download clips
2024-09-21 15:05:33
Model: Tapo C210  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

Hi all!


Although I'm home, and therefore on the same network as the cameras, I get this message when I try to download a video file.


"Unable to download clips. Your phone is not connected to the same network as your Tapo device"


Is there something I can do to fix that?




Thank you!

2 Reply
Re:Unable to download clips
2024-10-01 02:29:58

  @Henri9009 I get this quite often on my C402 as well, but I also don't understand the whole idea of only being able to download clips on the same network. I keep my "Internet of Things" devices (TVs, bulbs, cameras, etc.) all on separate network for security. I consider these all "untrusted" and keep my phones, computers and other things that I use for work and such on my main network.


I often get the message regardless of which network I put my phone on. On my Mac, where I run the ipad version it just always says that when I attempt a download.


Not a fan of only being able to connect when on the same network either. If I can view it, I should be able to download it.

Re:Unable to download clips
2024-12-06 20:06:25

  @Henri9009 My C425 just started doing that even though I have been able to download to my phone after installation. Camera and phone are definitely on the same WiFi network. Nothing has changed other than that feature has suddenly stopped working.
