
Popular Feature Requests and How To Create A New Request


Popular Feature Requests and How To Create A New Request

Popular Feature Requests and How To Create A New Request
Popular Feature Requests and How To Create A New Request
2022-12-16 20:11:59 - last edited 2024-08-23 17:56:39
Tags: #Official

Welcome to the Feature Request Boards for our Kasa Devices!

This board was created for users to leave feedback, ideas, and suggestions regarding both Kasa products and services.

How Do I Submit a Feature Request?

Before Creating a New Thread, Please Review the Existing Feature Recommendations to join existing discussions for a request, and upvote the requests that you would most like to see implemented. If you see that your request has not been previously made, you can submit a new request by Creating a New Thread.

When posting a new thread to share your ideas, please keep your ideas constructive and provide as much detail as you can. It is extremely useful if you also provide a practical example of how the feature would be used or what problem it is solving. This helps the team develop a better understanding of the needs behind a suggestion.

Why Hasn’t TP-Link Implemented My Request?

TP-Link values all the ideas and feedback provided by customers regarding our products. Requests that receive the most support and upvotes will always warrant the most attention from the teams who make the decisions. The team will always do their best to also take note of any specific requests that would prove helpful to many users, and forward these requests as well.

The ‘Decision Making’ team incorporates the customer feedback from these forums, with other factors such as the product’s vision/roadmap, market research, development resources, and even more when deciding which features should be added and how they should be prioritized.

Our Support and Community Teams cannot guarantee the implementation of a feature and may not be able to provide a detailed plan or estimated date for the launch. As a result, the team will most likely only engage in feature request discussion to determine specifics of what everyone would like to see from a feature.

Stage of a Request


  • Implemented. This means the feature has been added to the product category, or to the model (s) requested in that thread.
  • Under Consideration. The feature has been brought forward to the decision-makers and has been planned. But please be aware that "Planned" or "Under Consideration" is not a guarantee, and TP-Link reserves the right to modify this stage at any time without notifying the poster or follower in the thread.
  • Future Consideration. The feature hasn't been yet brought forwards to the decision-makers, but that is a good idea from a customer's point of view, we will do more market research then decide if this can be brought to the requested model.
  • Declined. The request has been declined and refused by the decision-makers. Note: Teams are not given reasoning for if a request is declined, whether it be from a technical limitation or is already planned for other products.


Why Do I Not See the Post for My Request?

Duplicate Requests May be Folded into the Original Request to combine the votes and comments. This allows the teams to better prioritize and identify popular suggestions.

Make sure that you have reviewed the requests previously posted to the forums before posting. If your post is not visible it may have been deleted or combined with another request.



As always, TP-Link appreciates your feedback and participation. You are what makes this Community great!



Kasa 4-Way Smart Switch

Ceiling Fan Switch (Implemented) KS240 Smart Fan and Dimmer Switch

Dual Gang Wall Plate for HS200

Kasa Light Strip Connectors / Jumpers


Turn off LED indicator on Smart Switch

Viewing a TP-Link Camera on a Windows Computer

Reset Energy Monitoring Statistics from App

Release a IFTTT Trigger for Smart Switches

Create a Dark Mode for the Kasa Application

Kasa Doorbell - Specific Doorbell Notification for Android App


Change Email Address Associated with Kasa Account



Helpful: 1

Views: 891

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Voters 1

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