Getting Started with Local Smart Actions

2/11/25: The Update for Local Smart Action Compatability is now making its way to the Tapo H200. Keep an eye out for the update, as it has only just started rolling out!


What are Local Smart Actions / Automations?

The Tapo H100 has recently been updated with a few exciting features, such as support for Local Smart Actions – allowing for more reliable and quicker-reacting automations, even when your internet may be struggling.

A Local Smart Action / Automation is simply an automation created in the Tapo app that can be run or executed by your hub, rather than through a cloud connection. Local Smart Actions allow you to rest easily, knowing that your automation will function more reliably and under more conditions than before.


What are the Advantages of Local Smart Actions?45cbfcbed9a44184bc88bf6b2d2d22a2

Local Smart Actions are often more reliable, stable, and quicker-performing than their cloud-based counterparts. 

Quicker Automations with Lower Latency

Since automations and device commands do not have to be sent through the internet and are now processed on the hub, you should see an improvement in the time between an automation trigger and the action occurring. This can easily be seen with automations using a Motion/Contact Sensor, or Smart Button alongside a Light or Switch.


Automations Without a Network Connection:

Automations taken over by your hub will continue functioning reliably while your network is unstable or you lose an internet connection. If your hub becomes disconnected from the network or the cloud, your automation will still take effect; you will need to reconnect the hub to your network to make changes to the automation.


How Do I Create Local Automation?b78f55f31b744e7db8673da47810c40d

After updating your hub to the latest firmware version, check the instructions in this FAQ for more information on Trigger and Action compatibility:

What is a Local Smart Action

If an automation meets the requirements listed in the above FAQ, it can be identified by a Tapo App Icon in the app interface next to the automation.a75290d7c8f446a58f3bc052d99019a9 (See the First Image for the Difference between Icons)

While creating or editing automations, you will also see an added prompt at the bottom of the edit screen indicating that your hub is in control of the automation. (See Second Image for Example of Notice)


Additional Notes

Your Hub Must Be Able to Directly Communicate with the Devices Across Your Network

  • In the case of Sub-GHz devices, your sensors communicate directly with the hub via Sub-GHz.
  • For Wi-Fi Smart Devices, your hub needs to be able to talk directly with the devices. This means that the devices (light, plug, switch, etc.) must be connected to your Wi-Fi network. Your device and hub also cannot be isolated from each other. Please place all devices on the same network and check your IoT / Network Isolation settings.


On Power Loss: Some automation with Effect Time or Time Trigger settings will require the hub to reconnect to the network to synchronize the time before taking effect again.


Note: Some Actions requires a cloud connection or internet access, such as camera-based triggers and some time-based triggers. As a result, it is not recommended to solely rely on Hub-Based Automations; instead, use them for increased reliability and efficiency.



I have personally already seen the benefits of adding a smart hub to my smart home, and we would love to hear how the new feature has helped with your automations.

If you have already used the Local Smart Action feature of your H100, leave a comment below about your experience! 



Does any of this work with KASA ?

I am still working on determining the extent of the reach with Kasa. Speaking with my team, the quicker actions and local communication should be available to Kasa devices, but may depend on model or regional compatibility.


The feature does exist at some level for Kasa, but I am not too sure about the requirements and regional limitations. For example, there is a Kasa Hub available internationally, but it is only meant for use with radiator valves - but this will allow for a Kasa icon to appear, rather than a tapo icon.


I also am not sure if Kasa Local smart actions require specifically a Kasa Hub, or can make use of existing Tapo hubs via the cross-brand integration.



So far, I have not been able to accurately determine how/if commands are being sent from my Tapo H100 Hub to my Kasa lights - however from my testing, my devices do seem to be acting quicker, even without the indicator for a local smart action. I will provide additional information as I learn about this feature and Kasa and can do some further testing.

I can't see this when setting up an automation with motion sensors and H100 to turn on a light. Everything is updated.

There is no Tapo App Icon.

Hey @Nando5116,

Hmm. Can you provide a screenshot of your automation and its steps? What model light are you turning on?

There are a few different triggers and actions that could prevent a Smart Action from being taken over by the hub. 


What is your phone model, OS version, and the current Tapo App version?


For the local smart action to take effect, both the Hub and your Light will need to be able to see each other on the network - meaning that the devices need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi and that they cannot be isolated from each other. If the hub and light cannot see each other over the same local network, the automation will revert to a cloud-based automation.

Why doen't work on h200? it's the only hub with ethernet cable

Why this local smart action not available with H200? 

can anyone explain on this
